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Create a 5 page essay paper that discusses Function of Social Conflict.It is evidently clear from the discussion that living in the social environment is impossible without being involved in a social

Create a 5 page essay paper that discusses Function of Social Conflict.

It is evidently clear from the discussion that living in the social environment is impossible without being involved in a social conflict to a certain extent. In spite of the fact that people usually are peaceful, the idea of social conflict may be found anywhere in the society. This paper will analyze the function of social conflict. To begin with, one should point out that one of the primary functions of the phenomenon in a question is not destructive as it may seem at first, but a rather constructive one, namely facilitating communication between different parts of the society. Indeed, in spite of the fact that conflict is largely associated with the development of aggression and hostility, there is one particular aspect that every conflict includes – the interaction between the groups of people or particular individuals. What is more important is that it often happens that a conflict ceases to exist when the parties who are involved are able to make sure that their communication is productive. In other words, conflict becomes an effective tool which directs attention to the urgent issues that need to be resolved and facilitates communication. In the academic literature, there are several views on the function that a social conflict performs. One of the most articulate scholars who promote the positive impact of the above-mentioned concept is Lewis A. Coser. According to him, social conflicts should be regarded as effective tools that contribute to establishment and maintenance of group identity. In addition to that, he argues that conflicts also serve another important factor: just like a valve, they allow the society release the extra steam so that it would not collapse. Nevertheless, Coser makes an important reservation: social conflict are able to have the positive influence on the society only they when do not deal with the fundamental matters: otherwise would undermine the very basis of it which should not be allowed.

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