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Create a 5 pages page paper that discusses groups for organizational decision making.

Create a 5 pages page paper that discusses groups for organizational decision making. This technique does not allow any group discussion. This is prevalent in the military set up where the highest ranking officer of the group makes a decision to either attack the enemy or wait for the enemy to attack the soldier group. Another popular example is when a group of Grade 4 pupils are led by the class teacher on Disneyland field trip. The pupils eagerly obey the group teacher’s every instruction, without question.

Second, the group implements the decision of the expert (Chelst 144). When a group of tourist visits a new tourist destination, the group eagerly accepts the recommendations of the group’s expert, the tourist guide. The group easily accepts the tourist guide’s recommended hotel, restaurant, sites, and other recommended tourism activities.

Third, the group will implement the most popular (majority) recommendation or alternative (Levi 160). For example, the group decided to vote on whether to visit the White House, Disneyland, or Hollywood. If Hollywood gets the highest number of group member votes, everyone in the group will visit Hollywood. The members of the group who voted to visit Disneyland must disregard their preferred choices and abide by the group decision.

Fourth, the group will implement the decision of the group leader after gathering the group members’ comments, suggestions, complaints, and other inputs (Chelst 144). The leader makes the decision by incorporating the group members’ comments, suggestions, complaints, and other inputs. The method normally pleases the group members. The members are happy that their diverse inputs are being included in the group leader’s decision making process.

Fifth, group may decide to implement the average votes of the group (Stair 425). This completely differs from the prior third group decision technique. The average vote may not be the most popular vote.

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