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Create a 5 pages page paper that discusses the impact of ads on our lives. A natural appeal has become a thing of the past, while beauty today has taken on a whole new avatar, which is nothing but a c

Create a 5 pages page paper that discusses the impact of ads on our lives. A natural appeal has become a thing of the past, while beauty today has taken on a whole new avatar, which is nothing but a commodity, bought off the shelves. Since the cosmetic industry is one of the most lucrative businesses around the globe, it doesn’t need to mention that the Ad industry is far

behind. In fact, we could say that the Ad industry is right on its heels to promote these products. The Ad Industry seems to have captured our entire lives because our lives seem to revolve around these advertised products. In this essay, we would be examining and discussing how these Ads entice customers and change people’s tastes, likes and attitudes towards the products advertised.

In the world of Advertisements, the media plays a very definitive role in emphasizing beauty, glamour and dress sense, because society teaches us, that looks matter a lot and so at a very young age, children try to build an image for themselves that is not as natural as their true self. From a very early age, children are exposed to films, television and other media, that advertises images telling us that being slim is beautiful, or we have to lose weight, or fat people are simply made fun of or are said to be lazy and so many other such things. Very rarely do we find women and men with average body types wearing dishevelled clothes while giving advice. Our society is truly absorbed by Ads from mass media through the internet, movies, television, radio, magazines, books, newspapers and music and these advertisements somehow convince people that the products would do wonders for them by way of making them more beautiful and sexy and make them stand out from the regular crowd. Very often, these companies link their products to health and fitness, sexual appeal, friendship, achievement and success and even forms of escapism or patriotism.

Our society today seems to be putting a lot of pressure on the younger generation who are most impressionable in this age group.

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