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Create a 5 pages page paper that discusses the uae and foreign policy. Similarly, the tourism sector is growing significantly with home businesses growing ominously. The region, since 1985, has been e

Create a 5 pages page paper that discusses the uae and foreign policy. Similarly, the tourism sector is growing significantly with home businesses growing ominously. The region, since 1985, has been experiencing low employment rates despite the continual increase in education levels. In 1985, the unemployment rates stood at 0.9% as compared to a whopping 3.5% in 2014. In March to June 2006, the UAE made economic changes allowing the formation of trade unions by local workers and reduced the dependence on foreign workers who were perceived to be draining away the region’s resources (Almezaini, 2011. United Arab Emirates profile, 2015). According to Almezaini (2011), many businesses have been foreign-owned, a factor that has hampered the growth and development of UAE residents. This study candidly and comprehensively strives to examine the growth of the UAE economy and the regions job market and infrastructural development by addressing the following questions to hypothesize how policymakers should act to improve the region’s well-being:

The questions will be addressed from 3 important social sciences including education, sociology, and economics as these subjects are closely entwined in the UAE transition timeline and UAE vision 2021.

The sociological Labour process theory and the classical economic theory are related to the survey. Firstly, the Labor process theory connotes that managers and employers are continuously deskilling the labor force to make labor cheap and easy to control workers (Caprio & Bacchetta, 2012). The capitalist economies have gained control of the labor force reducing the employees’ aptitude and capability to bargain for better working conditions and remunerations (Almezaini, 2011).&nbsp.

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