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Create a 6 page essay paper that discusses Jesus and Mohammed.Understanding of Jesus’s life and teachings is based on the biblical texts, particularly the New Testament, called the ‘gospels’ and

Create a 6 page essay paper that discusses Jesus and Mohammed.

Understanding of Jesus’s life and teachings is based on the biblical texts, particularly the New Testament, called the ‘gospels’ and the life of Prophet Mohammed in the Muslims’ holy book of ‘Qu’ran’.

A large amount of debate and discussion has been the prominent feature of literature related to the Prophet Mohammed’s life from the beginning. Mohammed was born in about 570th century at Mecca. Mohammed lost his father even before his birth and his mother at the age of six. then grew up under the care of uncle, Abu Taleb. At the age of thirteen, Mohammed had started traveling on business along with his uncle, trip to Syria being the first one. It is here that he met the Nestorian Monk, Felix or Sergius, who later assisted Mohammed in composing the Qu’ran. Mohammed was married to Khadija, and was blessed with four daughters and four sons.

Muslims believe that God had inspired Mohammed with a love of solitude and retirement. and that every year, for a month at a time, he withdrew into the cave of Mount Hara, three miles from Mecca, where he devoted himself to fasting, prayer and, meditation (Crichton, A. 207).

Jesus Christ, the son of God, was born about two thousand years ago in Bethlehem, the then Roman-occupied Palestine, to Mother Mary. The miraculous conception associated with Christ’s birth was a phenomenon out of the ordinary course of nature. Jesus was born in a stable, amongst animals, and is said to have gained respects from the poor people, sages from the East, and from angels too, which was a sign of His divine kingship.

At the age of twelve, Jesus was able to discuss Godly and divine things with people much older to him, a mission for which Jesus was born. At the age of thirty, Jesus appeared before John to be baptized. Himself being sinless, Jesus sought baptism to wash out the sins on behalf of all humans and undertook a forty-day retreat in the desert wilderness, fasting. During this retreat, the gospel writing says he

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