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Create a 6 page essay paper that discusses West music recording corporation.Download file to see previous pages... 5. The names of the leading songs. 5. Location 1. The navigation menu for the user to

Create a 6 page essay paper that discusses West music recording corporation.

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5. The names of the leading songs. 5. Location 1. The navigation menu for the user to move from the page. 2. A quick link if the user wants to contact the company. Target Users of the website The website will be used by music selling company, music listeners and musicians. Music selling persons John is a business man who owns a music store in New York City. He sells all genres of music at his store. To make high sales, he has to have the best and the latest music for his clients. The music seller will look for a site to provide those services. The music seller will have this information from the home page. The company will also replies to any questions the seller sends. Music Listener Wayne is a high school graduate who owns an iPod. He prefers to have the latest music in his iPod. He makes a lot downloads over the internet but he ends up not listening to most of this music. Wayne has decided to be finding the best musicians online to download their music. He will be looking at the website to get news about the top musician on the bill boards and the best music. Musicians Dre is an upcoming musician from West Indies. He would like to record his music in a reputable company and alongside famous musician. He walks to down town companies which do not have a strong profile. The site provides Dre with a profile where he can see if the company fits what he wants. Provision of the contact page will also allow him to enquire on anything. Evaluating wire frames Questionnaires that would evaluate the wire frames were formulated. They were divided into open and closed questionnaires. The main objective of the questionnaire was to test if navigation, visibility and provision of what clients needed were right. The user chosen to fill the forms...

The company representative gave the requirements required were such as providing the company profile. This profile would enable the business get as many clients as possible. Mailing capability was another thing the website was supposed to provide to allow their clients contact them with easiness. Music listeners were supposed to be incorporated in the site requirement specification. The listener stated some of the requirement they would have its to see the top musician on the billboard. The second requirement was to know the best ranked music at any moment. This would allow this person to download the latest music without going to a lot headache. The musicians who are the main clients of the company had to be considered, and a representative was found. The interview revealed the need of a profile page to enable the musician make a decision whether or not hire the company. They also required a contact page to communicate with the company without moving outside the website.

Collecting of user requirement was involving because some users gave conflicting requirements. This required my ability in decision making, which sometime would not favor all the users. Another problem was starting to collect requirements from users without informing them on the need of providing this information.

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