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Create a 6 pages page paper that discusses the films of alfred hitchcock. The film, Rebecca there is a young and shy woman’s companion who marries the handsome master, whose first wife, Rebecca, has d

Create a 6 pages page paper that discusses the films of alfred hitchcock. The film, Rebecca there is a young and shy woman’s companion who marries the handsome master, whose first wife, Rebecca, has died in enigma circumstances. When the young woman and Maxim arrive at the grandiose family mansion, the newly wedded bride feels inadequate to her new situation. There is an increased lack of self-confidence, which is triggered by Mrs. Danvers, who is a sinister, domineering housekeeper and whose obsessive duty to the deceased Rebecca is demonstrated in her active antagonism to her new mistress (Modleski, 1988). The unnamed heroine appears to be a parentless, an orphan, friendless, and completely unsure of herself. In the initial section of the film, the heroine is presented as passive and incompetent as well as not capable of assuming the position of mistress of Manderley. The unnamed heroine continually strives not only to please Master Maxim but also to win the affections of Mrs. Danvers as well. Mrs. Danvers seems to be haunted, possessed by Rebecca, and has a sexual attachment to Rebecca (Modleski, 1988). The lack of naming the protagonist in the film is evidence of lacking a fully formed identity, who, in fact, is seeking that identity, and the question is whether she will successfully find it.

The heroine’s character in the film exists only through her desire of being accepted and loved by others. Her personality and identity slowly become invisible when she tries, but fails, fitting into her new role as the mistress of the house. As many women are taught of realizing their own potential through their service to their children and husband, the heroine walks through the film as an empty vessel that is waiting to be filled with ideas, impressions, and attention of others (Truffault, 1983). The second Mrs. de Winter feeling of inadequacy becomes focalized in her comprehended inability of living up to the legacy of the first Mrs. de Winter.

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