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Create a 7 page essay paper that discusses Fashion Merchandising.The paper "Fashion Merchandising" analyzes The Ethics of Counterfeiting in the Fashion Industry. According to (Hilton, Chong Ju and Che

Create a 7 page essay paper that discusses Fashion Merchandising.

The paper "Fashion Merchandising" analyzes The Ethics of Counterfeiting in the Fashion Industry. According to (Hilton, Chong Ju and Chen 345-354), the ethical issues of counterfeiting in fashion merchandizing are rooted among the fashion industry itself. This global issue can be analyzed by the statistical analysis which shows that the counterfeit market is worth $350 billion (Turner). This problem is comparatively increased in Western countries because of the non-involvement of legal system in designing sector of fashion. According to Skov, counterfeit is also a legal and economic issue which results into “misleading the consumer into believing that the goods that are presented are the real thing. Counterfeiting is done on the basis of “credence goods” which are defined as: “Goods whose quality is difficult to assess before or after purchase and use. According to (Turner), “Credence goods are what are most copied because their value can only be determined by the credence or faith given to them by others, therefore they are easily exploitable. These items are usually of medium quality that has a high-perceived value, which can be easily copied. In order to elaborate the importance of credence in fashion industry, let’s consider the nature of fashion world. According to (Hilton, Chong Ju and Chen 345-354), “credibility” is the main entity which lay the basis of fashion industry. This credibility is gained through buyer and manufacturer. This credibility is majorly gained through fashion “indicators”.

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