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Create a 7 page essay paper that discusses Impact of the Culture of Poverty.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp. The thesis of the culture of poverty can be stated as a culture that is shared by people at the ver

Create a 7 page essay paper that discusses Impact of the Culture of Poverty.

&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp. The thesis of the culture of poverty can be stated as a culture that is shared by people at the very bottom of the class ladder, marginal people who are not integrated into national institutions such as schools, political parties, hospitals, and others because they do not trust them and also are ineligible or cannot afford to use them. Irrespective of how hard-working poor people may be, the culture of poverty or the style of living into which they are socialized by parents, kin and community, prevents them from rising above their impoverished condition (Best, 2005). The black underclass who are victims of segregation is excluded from civil society on account of extreme deprivation caused by poverty or lack of employment. It is an oppositional culture to mainstream behaviour and attitudes manifested in disproportionately high levels of “voluntary joblessness, welfare dependency, unwed parenting, juvenile delinquency, and crime generally” (Braham & Janes, 2002: 370). The social isolation to which blacks are subjected to due to their systematic residential segregation, guarantees their economic isolation as well, due to lack of a social network or contact with the outside world, crucial for finding employment. “This economic isolation is cumulative and self-perpetuating”, further undermining their chances to develop connections with other people and institutions. The self-defeating attitudes and behaviour of blacks which form the basis of the “culture of poverty” theory are further explained by Auletta

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