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Create a 8 page essay paper that discusses Strategic public governance at government level.Download file to see previous pages... It also include the processes to determine the investment direction, t

Create a 8 page essay paper that discusses Strategic public governance at government level.

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It also include the processes to determine the investment direction, the public services sector needs to be addressed, extension of the operations of the state, limitations faced by the Government in order to undertake the state activities. Strategy formulation also helps the Government in deciding about the matters to be addressed on priority basis. There is not any state in the world which has unlimited resources. Therefore the states need to evaluate which projects are important and need investment. The future of a state is very much effected by the strategic decision of the Government of the state.

Strategy implementation is the process of preparing the culture, stake holders motivation and resource allocation in order to eke the Government in acquiring the on going benefits for the state. The process is constituted on the implementation of supportive policies, redirecting the Governing bodies and the efforts of related stakeholders, planning the financial issues, alignment of the information system with the information needs of the departments and last but not least provisions of high level of facilities to the population.

The strategy implementation stage required several actions to be taken by the Government in order to get the most of it. The successful implementation of a strategy is directly related to the ability of a Government to motivate all the stakeholders in the strategic direction and to develop a state culture to adopt the change and take it into practise. It also demands some crucial steps by the related departments. The responsible bodies should depict different qualities such as discipline, high level of commitment and motivation, leadership and enthusiasm of making things possible. Successful implementation of strategy is very important. This is the most crucial step in the whole process since it involves many factors besides the ability of governing bodies. This includes the adoption of change by all the stakeholders, their commitment levels, and the enthusiasm towards their jobs. Most often the states fail to achieve their desired targets since they fail to implement their strategies in a successful manner or fail to get support from their employees.

The final stage is the strategy evaluation. After the implementation it is important for the managers to test the effectiveness of the strategy.

The strategy of a state requires constant updating. With the changing conditions at national and international level it is important for a state to keep its strategy in tact with the changing environment. An out dated strategy cannot fulfil the needs of today's global environment. In order to go through the updating process the states should carry on an audit to analyse which aspect requires improvement. It also specifies what strategy is necessary to support the state operations, the information people use currently and the gaps in these functions and the goals.

Most managers fail to analyse the current situation of their business and lack a sense of intuition and forecasting.

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