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Create a 8 pages page paper that discusses are business strategies important. According to MacMillan and Tampoe (2001, p. 172-173), in addition to the four content pointed out earlier, a business stra

Create a 8 pages page paper that discusses are business strategies important. According to MacMillan and Tampoe (2001, p. 172-173), in addition to the four content pointed out earlier, a business strategy document should also contain the following:

Perhaps, a good indication that the use of strategy is not on the way out is a key document from the United Kingdom’s Her Majesty’s Court Service or HMCS. A 2006 document of Her Majesty’s Court Service or HMCS outlined a “business strategy”. The HMCS (2006) business strategy called for observing “strategic principles” that consists in putting the needs of the citizens first, increasing the access to justice among the population, ensuring respect for the courts, transforming business delivery, supporting the independence of the judiciary, and becoming an employer of choice. The HMCS “business strategy” written in 2006 described what the business organization of the HMCS will be like and articulated a business model, defined priorities, and defined a strategy that covered effective case management, modernization, simplification of procedures, and ensuring compliance. From the 2006 HMCS document alone, it is clear that the use of business strategy is not on the way out. Organizations such as businesses and government units use business strategy to articulate both to their personnel as well as clients how they intend to conduct their business or how each person should behave as they conduct their business.

Big business corporations employ the strategy. For instance, this fact is indicated in a 2008 document of the Coca-Cola Company. The importance of a business strategy document is highlighted by a statement on the 2008 document of the Coca-Cola Company. The Coca-Cola Company (2008, p. 2) document says,

“Simple ideas backed by constructive action can change the world. As we set out to create a more sustainable world, we begin by imagining what it might look like. Then, in collaboration with our associates and partners around the world, we embark on joint efforts to make&nbsp.that vision a reality. Because nothing important was ever conceived without imagination or accomplished without effort.

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