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Create a 8 pages page paper that discusses the concept of the auteur in the context of post-war european cinema.

Create a 8 pages page paper that discusses the concept of the auteur in the context of post-war european cinema. However, there is one particular development on post-war filmmaking in Europe that has caught the attention of the researcher, and this is the concept of “auteur.” In fact, many popular European filmmakers are actually categorized by scholars of film studies as an example of an auteur, and one of the most famous is the Spanish director and filmmaker Pedro Almodovar, the director of the films “Matador,” “Hable con Ella,” and “Volver” (‘Pedro Almodovar” n. p.).

In this case, this paper would then try to describe the concept of the “auteur,” especially on its importance on the development of post-war European films. In order to achieve this, the researcher would try to look into the basic definition of the “auteur,” as well as how it came about. After this part, the researcher would then try to describe the concept of the “auteur,” especially in the context of post-war European cinema, from the films of the Spanish director Almodovar. The researcher would try to focus on the different themes that can be found in the works of Almodovar, in order to explain why the “auteur” is now an important part of contemporary European cinema.

In order to explain the importance of the concept of the “auteur” in European cinema, it is important first to define this concept, especially in the context of post-war filmmaking in Europe. In this case, what then is the “auteur?” The word auteur is actually a French word, and when taken literally this word actually means the “author” (“auteur” n. p.). In this case, the concept of the auteur may actually refer to the author of the filmmaker itself. However, who is treated as the author of a film, and what is its significance in film studies/film criticism as a concept?

According to film scholars, the concept of the auteur actually refers to the original idea of the French filmmaker François Truffaut (1932-1984), who in his manifesto “The Policy of Auteurs,” declared that “Cinema as art made by a film artist and not by a writer”.

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