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Create a PowerPoint presentation depicting/describing the following. (This info can all be found in your MUST have the textbook for this class). I want you to use tools available in PP

Create a PowerPoint presentation depicting/describing the following. (This info can all be found in your MUST have the textbook for this class). 

I want you to use tools available in PP...I want you to download pics to use...for example find a pic of a computer, laptop, router, switch, buildings, house, antennas, etc. I would create a folder and save all the pics you download for EACH assignment so you can use them for other assignments.'s an example. One of the questions for today will be to create the OSI model and explain how it works. So you will need to use PP tools to create an empty box...use the text feature to put in the names (such as Transport)...etc. 

Do NOT use a lot of words on your slides. A PowerPoint is a graphical representation of your topic. You can put your words/descriptions in the NOTES section of the PowerPoint. Do NOT copy material from the book or internet...I want YOU to explain it. Assignments with copied info will be given a grade of 0. 

Here is your assignment: (note that you may use multiple slides to answer each question...but max 2 per question.)

1. The Big Picture: Create a diagram showing an overall view of the interconnection between different types of networks. Describe the different types of hardware used on networks. (for this assignment you do NOT have to explain how the data travels or how the network actually works...just describe the different hardware.

2. LANs: Show two LANs (local area networks) connected by a switch. Discuss WHY one company would need to have multiple LANs. Describe the role of the SWITCH in the connection.

3. LANs and WANs: Show a LAN to WAN (wide area network) layout...and explain the role the ROUTER plays. 

4. Show and explain the layers of the OSI Model.

5. Show and explain the layers of the TCP/IP Model. 

HINT: Look in chapter 1....especially at the figures. 

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