Create a program that helps manage student information. The program will keep track of 2 different students. It will use several concepts you have...
Java programming for the information below.
The screen shot below, are of 'student1.txt' and 'student2.txt.'
Create a program that helps manage student information. The program will keep track of 2 different students. It will use severalconcepts you have learned so far. It will read input files and output a different file that contains a combination of the two input files. Program specs: Use JOption Pane for user input. Have a separate Student class that should contain information about the student. Ask user for the filename to input. There are 2 files attached to the assignment. It will need to ask ’1 time for each file.The data in studentl .txt should be read into the first student instance. The data in student2.brt should be read into the second student instanoe. The file in the data looks like this:[Student Number] [Student Name] [Major] [G PA] Ask user for output filen ame. The output file should be in this format:[Student Number],[Student Name],[Major],[GPA] There should be 1 output line in the file for each student.1When finished, the program needs to inform the user that the process is complete. This assignment needs to use methods and classes properly. Your main method needs to onl'g.r call other methods or classes. student‘l .txtstudent2.txt
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