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Create a program that will keep track of a media library to store movies. It will store all of the data using arrays. Since we have not learned how to use files or a database the information will not

Create a program that will keep track of a media library to store movies. It will store all of the data using arrays. Since we have not learned how to use files or a database the information will not be stored anywhere and will be lost once the program ends. The program will keep track of a movie’s title, actors/actresses with characters, movie length, and year of the movie. All data will be stored in arrays.

Arrays needed for Movie Library

· Title

· Length

· Year

· Rating (index value of drop down)

· Actors/characters (must be able to have more than one actor per movie)

o Example: Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark

Required Controls

Ø Multiple Forms

Ø Textboxes

Ø Labels

Ø List boxes

Ø Dropdown (Combo box)

Ø Menus

Ø Splash Screen

Ø About Dialog

Other Requirements

Ø Use Module file

Ø Use of non-event procedures (procedures defined by you)

Ø Must prompt user on exit to make sure they want to quit the program

Ø Must prompt user on save to make sure they want to save the changes

Ø Must prompt user on delete to make sure they want to delete a media item

Ø Must use variables within the procedures and functions

Ø ALL input fields must be validated - is numeric, is the field empty etc. 

Ø All numeric fields must be converted using CInt or CDec and assigned to variables

Bonus option

Ø Store data in a file - worth up to 10 pts.

Movie Selected

Ø Dropdowns must be populated

Ø Disable all fields

Add New Movie

Ø Enable all of the fields 

Ø Set focus to the title field

Ø Clear all of the fields

Save a New Movie

Ø All fields must be filled in to add a movie

Ø Movie cannot already exist in the list to be added to the list

Ø Year of the movie must be numeric

Ø Length of the movie must be numeric (total number of minutes)

Ø Display messages to user for each of the above error conditions

Ø Make sure there is room in the arrays, if not resize the arrays

Ø Current selected item in the list box of movies should be the movie just added

Ø Disable all of the controls again

Item Selected in Movie List

Ø Update fields to display the movie details including any actors listed.

Add New Actors to a Movie

Ø Ask how many actors to add

Ø Add each actor and the name of their character

Delete an Actor from the List

Ø Select an actor from the list for a movie and delete them

Update the Actors list for a Movie

Ø Add an actor to the list for a movie only if there is room on the list

Final Project Evaluation Form - Total Points Possible: 100 –  Score 

Algorithms (Possible Points = 15)

Points Earned

1 Initial Algorithm (5)

2 Refined Algorithm - pseudo-code 

o Matches   Final Code (4)

o Indentation   (3)

o Statements   broken down to correct level (3)

Documentation (Possible 10 Points)

1 All Header Information Present (1)

2 All Variables labeled at declaration (3)

3 Present for meaningful blocks of code (3)

4 Present for individual lines when needed (3)

Style and Readability (Possible 5 Points)

1 Code blocked out according to tasks (1)

2 Proper spacing between blocks of code (1)

3 Appropriate naming techniques (1)

4 Use of indentation (2)

Flow Control/Syntax (Possible 40 Points)

1 No run time errors (10)

2 No logic errors (10)

3 Program correctly reflects and displays all   program requirements (15)   a. allows the user to add/modify a movie.   b. add/modify a list of actors for a movie   c. error checking where needed   d. use of input and message boxes where appropriate

e. appropriate use of   selection and repetitive structures 

4 No unnecessary or redundant statements (5)

Correctness (Possible 30 Points)

1 Output correctly reflects and displays all   program requirements (5)

2 Forms correctly reflects and displays all   program requirements (5)

3 Program makes comprehensive use of topics (20)   

1 Arrays

2 Form objects (Text boxes, Labels, List boxes,   etc.)

3 Multiple Forms 

4 Module

5 Error Checking


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