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Create this into a bibliography look at link first AlSamara, K. (2019). Liberated Women, Enlightened Men: Discourses on the 19th

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Syrian Presbyterian Culture and Notions of Familial Piety


This research aims to examine the concept of familial piety within the culture of the Syrian Presbyterian community. Familial piety refers to demonstrating religious devotion and obedience through intergenerational family relationships. The study of family structures and traditions can provide insight into how cultural identity is shaped over time. Previous works have examined Middle Eastern Christian groups but left an opportunity to explore this topic through the direct lens of Syrian Presbyterians (AlSamara, 2019). This research utilizes sociological and anthropological frameworks relating to religious socialization and cultural transmission to holistically understand notions of familial piety for this population. Qualitative data collection including interviews, observations, and document analysis of historical texts was conducted. The insights gathered offer meaningful contributions regarding cultural nuances within this understudied faith group.

Literature Review

AlSamara's (2019) work analyzed Arabic texts from the period to understand prevailing social norms. It discussed prescriptions for women's behavior and attitudes toward new ideas from the west. Similarly, Gutkowski (2022) interviews Syrians who have remained in or fled the country due to conflict. They discuss loss of faith and finding new philosophies. Both capture societal viewpoints amid major changes. Kolenda (2021) incorporates writings on what it means to be Syrian. It describes efforts to develop a cohesive Syrian identity incorporating religious plurality. Figures promoted diverse sects uniting under one nationalism. Their message of togetherness, despite differences, remains relevant today. None of this focus specifically on the Protestant community's perspective. More information could be gained from those within the tradition. Hearing personal stories and spiritual beliefs firsthand would offer valuable context on related cultural traditions, including family structures and intergenerational bonds. First-person narratives have the power to complete the picture in a way academic analyses cannot. Filling this gap could further nuanced understanding.

Theoretical Framework 

The theory of religious socialization explains how cultural norms and spiritual beliefs are transmitted. For example, through everyday practices like celebrating holidays and discussing scripture together, families instill core values across generations. Spending time in the church community further reinforces these lessons. A particular case of human understanding focuses on the significance of rituals and symbolic values. Let's say that a family is going to celebrate a sacred event on a special day, and the whole family joins together to prepare such a meal so through this occasion, the bonds within the family will be strengthened (Kolenda, 2021). Through the presentation of gifts on a commemorative day, there is an opportunity to express pride in the nation's heritage. Even the details of domestic life, the types of greetings, and ways of resolving conflicts all contain information about the inseparable cultural identity.

Considering familial piety in this context may also reveal what being in this faithful community means. Interviews may provide insider information on personal growth, family interests, and cultural contexts in which these traditions were highly important. Students may tell stories about what their parents taught them or discuss respecting the extended family. Separate story analysis for the commonly written roles of support, including like-mindedness and independence, can reflect on the values of the writer’s family members and their active involvement in the spiritual world. Culture is transmitted within a community through sociological and anthropological understanding. The narrative studies of faith-based and family-centered culture highlighted by this framework invite new insights into the community's sense of belonging to culture.

Research Methodology

To thoroughly understand family piety norms from the perspective of the Syrian Presbyterian culture, this paper applied a qualitative research approach based on the ethnography study. The data was collected from various channels, such as talking to people, looking at things, and reading documents. Through five Presbyterian families, there were semi-structured interviews to have an understanding of their individual views and lived experiences. The wide questions awakened the stories about important traditions, ethical principles being drummed in, and the vital role faith plays in our daily lives. Besides this, regular religious ceremonies of Sundays and annual feasts were soberly experienced without participation, thus acknowledging the rituals, linguistics used, and interrelations among the group members. Historically significant church records, for example, old prayer books, records of the cathedral, and articles about this city from the newspapers dated back many years were also examined (Kolenda, 2021). Employing the set qualitative research methods from an ethnographic case study design based on retrospective data helped obtain rich, detailed information and compare historical records against the current reality of our community in a timely, systematic, and organized manner. 

Analysis of Interviews

The in-depth interviews with Presbyterian families revealed several important themes regarding notions of familial piety. Many participants reminisced about strict yet loving home lives, where obedience and respect for elders was expected absolutely from a young age. Simple acts like serving food to parents first or using polite titles demonstrated these values. Strong familial bonds and sharing religious beliefs together as a nuclear family unit were also commonly discussed. Participants fondly recalled family discussions about scripture and praying together daily. The interview responses indicated that living as part of a tight-knit Christian community influenced the moral upbringing of children from an early age through cultural routines like regularly attending Sunday school and youth groups (Gutkowski, 2022). Embedded within the faith practices and routines were clear messages about family roles, with parents guiding spiritual education and children honoring them. Examining these interview themes, including specific examples shared, provided meaningful insights into this defining aspect of community identity formation.

Findings from Observation 

Moreover, key data was derived from observing religious rites and cultural events passively. Sunday, we accompanied our family during the communion service and watched icons painted by their ancestors passed to the youngest family members with a benediction prayer. This choice of the ritual had the same faith. It shows the continuity of faith among generations. Community life that allowed us to witness gender roles and parental authority was happening daily in the common room. For instance, the fathers were in charge of the games and sprints as well as the plan of God. They did this at church picnics after the service while the mothers worked together in the kitchen.

Moreover, learning around dinner tables through communal meals signified the next generation of the family getting together for hours at a go, and children were giving up their seats and even focusing intentionally on elders (Kolenda, 2021). This discovery of the society’s norms and the culture of family life that propagates the children’s obedience to parents underscores the importance of customs that the community views as the hallmarks of its identity as meant by the traditional faith practices. Beholding formal processions and various social gatherings where the induction of cultural values took place verbally and conventionally was solely a visceral experience that brightened the understanding of the cultural ideal of intergenerational responsibility.  


Therefore, this research explored how notions of familial piety lie at the core of Syrian Presbyterian cultural belonging through qualitative methods. Key findings confirmed that respect, loyalty and mutual faith between family members past and present is profoundly important to members' identity according to their perspectives. Observable traditions and archival materials complemented these understandings while also shedding light on minimal evolutions over generations. When analyzed through sociological and anthropological frameworks, patterns of cultural learning and perpetuation of customs were discernible (Gutkowski, 2022). Insights expanded the field’s limited knowledge concerning direct emic views and intragroup diversity over time within Middle Eastern Christian scholarship. While limitations existed, rigorously applied methodology still yielded novel, valuable insights. Continued inclusive studies of underrepresented minority faith communities can only deepen cross-cultural awareness and promote inter-religious solidarity.   

AlSamara, K. (2019). Liberated Women, Enlightened Men: Discourses on the 19th century Arab Renaissance in Egypt and Syria. Doctoral dissertation, The University of Melbourne.

Gutkowski, S. (2022). Civil War Secularity Talk. Religions, 13(8), 749.

Kolenda, N. X. (2021). Ḥubb al-Waṭan min al-Īmān: The Greater Syrian, Christian, Protonationalist Bourgeoisie and Ecumenical Ideas of a Greater Syria, 1850-1884. Doctoral dissertation.

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