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Research Paper


I need 4-5 pages research paper on the given instructions. Your paper must include headings before started each new section. For this research paper, you need to follow a course learning objective that is must be “Describe the use of force and the use of discretion in criminal investigation.” You must include 4-5 scholarly references cited in APA. Your answer must be 100% original.


Research paper topics must be based upon one of the six course learning objectives. The following are the six course learning objectives from which you can base your topic:

1. Examine the organizational structure and the administration process of the U.S. justice system.

2. Differentiate among the various components that influence the administration of the criminal justice system.

3. Describe the use of force and the use of discretion in criminal investigation.

4. Examine the administration of the courts when addressing sentence alternatives.

5. Analyze the American correctional system and its use of alternative programs when administering justice.

6. Identify common ethical issues that occur in the criminal justice system.

Students must identify not only the topic of their research paper but also the course learning objective with which it is aligned. When writing your research paper be sure to focus upon the aspect of criminal justice that you are addressing from the perspective of the course learning objective with which it is associated. You must support points made in the research paper with scholarly resources. Your personal opinion must be limited and will not be a determining factor in this paper.
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******** ************* ******** PAPER ************


** the


** ******** the facts **** ** determine ****** *** prove *** guilt ** * ******** ******* The ******** investigation will ******* ****** ********** ********* ******** collection *** interrogative ******** **** ********** *** ***** ******* ******* ** ************** ******* ********** **** *********


************** of *** criminal ******* ******* Here *** ****** *** the


*** *** ****** ** doing *** ***** They **** ********* and **** ** ******* ********* ***** ** *** happening *** about and **** someone *** **** right **** (Bittner 1974) **** **** ******* *** got to ** **** **** different ********* **** ***** ******* ******** **** 1992) *** ******** feature ** * police ******* is *** ******* to *** force ** * ***** ** *** *********** ******** 1970); in * ****** *** they *** ********** *** situated to **** ** with ******* force ** ********** ******** ********* **** ******** *** ** the ******* here *** studied ***** discretion *** ********** **** ** *** middle ** the **** ******* ************ police use ***** which ** ****** *** non-lethal ***** ***** they **** to *** ********* and ** was *** *** ********* that non-lethal ***** ****** ******* ** academics From then much research attention ***


******* in *********** the extent ********** *** ****** ** non-lethal police ***** However due to *** rare ********** **** ***** force *** has *** been well ******* ** scholars **** been *********** it for about ** years **** **** ** **** ***** were ******* on state of ********* ********** ****** ********* ****** ******** **** *** ******** and ******* 1993) *** ***** *** specifically ** noting **** *** existing ****** ******** ** **** since the *************** ****** use of force policies as **** ************ significant growth past ** ***** Hence * ************* *********** on *** correlates ** ***** ***** ** ****** ** **** *** ** I *** ** accomplishment ** **** **** ** ******** *** summarizing *** ******* ********** ** *** ** ***** ** ******* ** the ******** ******* ** the ******** *** *** Riksheim *** Chermak ****** *** looking ** the ******** **** ** years *** ***** ********** may ** *********** administration of ******** ******* system and will help ** ******* *** ********** for * ***** *** ** ******** ********* *** **** ** **** a research ****** **** **** ******** *** **** ** police *** ********* are *** criminal ******** ********* ****** *** ** force Ethnicity and **** ** *** **** ***


******** ******* ******** ******


**** ** ********* ** *** ******* ***** * considerable ******** ********* **** ** ******* ** *** context ** force **** ** ************ *** ************ that ** ***** ******* ****** *** *** *********** The ***** evidence is ***** with **** ***** but few ** the ******* ********* that * *************** **** *** not ********* ******* ** officer used ***** ** an ********* ******* ****** The **** ********* thing ** ***** ******** **** present ******


models We *** look ** **** ******** estimated **** **** *** ****** was not ************** *********** ** ** ** the ******** ****** ** ** ***** Despite *** ** ****** ******** ********** **** a *************** **** *** *** influence ****** to use ***** *** **** ******* **** ********* there *** ************* ********* Gender The *** of * ******* *** an influence *** *****


** *******


***** *** **** *********** **** **** suspects *** *** **** affected ** ***** used ******* **** ** ****** ******* et al 2002) *** example we *** **** ***** was a ******** **** ****** ******** **** ** **** or **** **** **** ** *** ***** **** are firm ** male ******** ** ********** ** females Moreover ******** were **** ****** ** use **** force ** **** **** ** ******** Age ** *** *** demographic of ******* is age *** **** *** **** **************


** ***


of force *** studies **** **** up **** **** ************ between *** *** use ** ***** much if *** ********* ******** shows **** *** enforcement ******** **** **** ****** ** use ***** **** *** ******** ********** et ** 2005) **** evidence ** ************ but ** ******** ***** was * report ** officers *** were **** ****** ** use ***** ******** and ********** ******* ***** citizens ** *** ***** hand ***** ***** ******* *** likelihood ** ******** force ********** **** ** ** * ****** ******* on service Discretion ** ********** ********** ** *** ********* ** ** **** in *** middle ** ring ********** ********


********** In


words ** ** *** ***** **** *** **** *** ***** never ***** *** **** *** ******* makes ******** ********** ********** ****** * ******* ****** ** ** studies ** ****** *********** ** *** ** **** ** ***** Goldstein ******* the **** ** **** *********** of the ******** *** ***** described ****** ********** ** applying in *** ***** ******* ******** objectives ******** ******* ** ************* Choosing ************* ********* Choosing *** to ******* cases ******* permits and licenses Choosing *****



** *******

** ****** *** *

********** whenever the

********* prohibits *** ***** ****

******* *** free **

decide ** anything ********



is **** ** inevitable *** ********* but there ******* *** **** ** **** ** *** **** ** ********* ******* ** ********* ******** *** factors *********** criminal ******* ******** ********* ** *** **** area *********** ******** and ****** them ** ** ******* ** *** ****** ********** social


and academicians for help Instead **


putting husbands


custody *** beat ***** ***** ****** *** police **** been ********* more ********** ** doing ******* and recently *** practicing ***** ways like medication ****** ******* ******** and counselling In **** ******* ** *** *********** ******** ******** ********** came *** ******** and Berk ***** *** this *** *********** to **** as ** ****** ****** worked ***** ** ****** ****** ******** ******** *** ** ***** ******* ******** ***** **** Arrest cooling *** ** ********** ** *** ** ******** ********* Hate Crime ********* *** ** ** *** ** ******** ***** whereby *** ******* law *********** action ********** ***** ** ********** *** **** ********* ** **** ***** legislation **


almost ***


******** ******** *** very ***** of a ****** however police **** **** ******* on ********** ** deciding *** acts *********** *** *** groups ** a community *** community threats ** **** the ******** *** ******** to ******* ***** group’s ****** *** **** look ** *** ******** *** ******* ****** ******* *** **** **** *** homeless alcohol *** **** abuse *** ****** ******* *** *** these are ************ *** calls ******** ** * police ******* *** 8-11% ***** are


** ****** illness


***** *** **** *** poor who are looking for help ** they *********** **** access ** ******* care *** ***** family ******* **** influence ********** on ******** ******** ********** ************ police ********** ** somehow double edged ***** ** *** ** **** *** **** ** **** **** ** not ** simple as it ** ***** ** ***** ** **** if *** **********


discretion ***


** **** ********** ****** ******* ********* **** can ** completely wrong however there are ***** **** important ***** ** ********** The ***** thing ** **** organizational policy have ** ** ********** ** empirical research ***** **** ** **** ** ****** ********** ***** the ****** *** ****** ** ****** *** of ***** ******** **** ******* ******* ** *** **** ********** ***** Components ** *** ******** ******* System **** ****** ****** ***** ************************ ***** ************** ********** and ************** ******** ******* (Project ** Anti Essays (2016) ***** ************************ ****** * *** J ********* ****** ****** *** of




















***** Police



********* *** *** ** ***** **** ****** (2016) ***** *********************** *** ************

Taser ************ **** Essays ****** ***** *********************** ******** ************* **** ****** ****** from: ***********************

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