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CRIMINAL JUSTICE Research paper topic: Wrongful Convictions. The paper must include background, development of rationale and justifications , the student's position on the topic and the incorporation


Research paper topic: Wrongful Convictions.

The paper must include background, development of rationale and justifications , the student's position on the topic and the incorporation of the University core value of integrity.

The paper should be between 2100-3000 words.

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****************** convictionsStudent ************************ ***************  Wrongful ConvictionsWrongful *********** & *** ******** ******* System *** ******** ******* ****** ******* ** ****** to *** ********** and lawfulness ** *** *** to ****** the ******* **** of ******** however that ** *** ****** *** **** **** *** person ** ******** ************ courts and ********* **** mistakes **** cost *** *********** lives who *** ********** ********* (Cassell 2018) **** *********** **** ********** on *** ******** **** ** the ******* ****** *** ******* ****** ranging **** ************ ** ******** *** *** *** are ** ***** ** ** ********* that ****** ******* ** all ********* convicted individuals are wrongfully ********* **** year *** ****** they *** not ****** (Pollock ***** ******** wrongful *********** do *** ***** **** ***** ** today's society ** ** ***** a ******* ******** **** ****** the ****** astounded *** ********** **** *** justice ****** **** is “set ** ***** ** ******* *** ***** *** people” ******** **** ***** *** ******* ****** ** ******** to stand ** *** US Constitution that ******* that *** *** equal ****** *** law Still **** *** *** ** ************ **** innocent *********** are ****** ** a crime **** did *** ****** ** ****** *** public to ******** *** ****** entirely because **** *** *** apprehending *** real ******** * *********** ** justice ***** ***** *** ************ of the justice ********* **** question ******* the people notice that it ***** ************** and authority” ********** **** * 385) *********** should have “faith in *** ********* *** ***** to ********* ** **** **** *** ******** *********** being wrongfully ********* *** ** the “inefficiency and ineffectiveness ** *** criminal ******* system” ********** **** p386) More efforts ****** be ***** ** ****** **** ***** ***** of failures ** *** ****** the “publics ********** ** *** ******* system” (Dandurand 2014 p394)The **** ** *** ********* ************** ** ***** ***** wrongful convictions was *** **** ********** ** **** *** a ****** ******** An author ***** Erle ******* ******* ****** ********* * ******** “court ** **** resort” about 70 ***** *** to ******* *** solve justice's ******** ********* *** ****** together **** **** ** *** criminal ******* *** judges ****** **** **** some ******** *********** **** **** ********* ***** *** ********* ** *** perpetrators’ ***** right ** *** ***** ** the ******* ***** for instance *** ****** ******** *** ** ***** ********** ******* *** not ****** *** justice ****** **** ******* ** recognizing ***** *** ********* (Gardner ********* scholars ****** ** issue of trying ******** ** *** ***** 1990s ** ***** **** * team of growth *********** ***** ** ******* ******* *********** trials in *** ***** **** ***** **** eyewitnesses **** ******** *** **** *** ******** and *********** ***** ***** ********** *** ** ****** ********** accuracy **** ******* on ***** ****** found that cases ** conviction were many ********** *** ***** ****** or youths **** ** ** 23 ***** old **** ****** **** ***** ****** are ****** ** ** guilty *** *** ******* ******** ******** ******* ***** ********** ** the ********* ********* a ********* individual could ** *********** ******* *** ******* ** ******** *********** lead ** ********* apprehension ***** failures ** ******* Additionally *** ***** *** test in *** US ******** in **** *** proved *** *** ********** changed the ********* ******* ** ********* or ***** **** ** ******** confirmation *** ******** * ****** ** ** location *** ********* ** **** to a young ****** ********** recognition ************ *** **** ******* **** *** *** raped *** ** *** just * lie to ***** her **** and ***** ***** ****** ****** *********** **** *** ********* **** years ***** *** *** married got ******** *** recalled *** ***** *** authorities ***** ******** *** ******* and **** if *** ********* *** ****** ********* her ***** ** was ****** *** ****** *** ******** on **** ** * ********* ****** *** *************** **** that ** *** *** ******* *** account Lastly **** *** ******* **** *** * ************ attorney * *** test was ********** ** *** *********** ** *** **** *** The ****** *** ************** ******* *** ********** ********** *** **** **** out ** ** ** ******* for many ****** *** *** ****** **** cases **** acquitted ********** ** *** ***** stages of crime ************** *** *** ********** ******** **** ****** **** ** *** **** *** ******* from ****** around the ** * *** ******* ** ***** **** ** many ***** accusations ********* ** ********** *********** **** ***** ** ***** *********** *** rare **** ***** be ******** as *********** ********** ** * *********** ***** system **** **** *** ******* *** *** associated with design that ***** *** ****** interaction **** ****** ** debatable **** ******* staff ******** *** ****** ** ***** convictions ** reducing ******* and **** ********* ** ******** ** about 250 ** ** months ** ** ***** **** ** ****** **** number ** * wrong clarification of **** ******** ******** ***** **** *** ******* that ****** up to 320 ***** exonerations between **** *** **** ****** ** al ***** *********** fail ** **** **** ******* ** not ******* ** * ******** **************** ********* ** ******* ******* ******* ********** ** ******** ** justice ****** ******** even ****** **** are not ** ** ****** ********** ******* **** than * ****** ** got ** ***** ******** ********** ***** that **** ******* *** led **** ** ****** ********** ***** **** *** ******* ** **** ****** ** ********* by ******** ******* ******** A messed up ***** ****** in ***** cases ******** knowingly ********* deed ** ********** ********* ****** and prosecutors The ******* *** ** ********* ***** ************* Eyewitness identification· ****** *************** Ineffective ******* ********* Forensic Science Error or ************ ********** ********** ************ criminal ******* ********* and ********* *************** ***** ******** with ********* discerning ***** *** **** ****** ** these *********** **** *********** **** ****** reforms capable ** *********** ******** ** ******* Early ** the innocence ***** no similar ******* ** ********* ** **** with the *** **** ********* **** ******* *** **** **** *** *********** **** ****** ** not ******* *** the ******** ***** for the ********* reforms ***** ***** ** * **** ****** ** ***** **** *** widespread acceptance and frequent usage ** ***** reforms will decrease ******** *********** ******** reorganizations *** ******** in **** center ******** ******* **** ***** **** **** ******** *** ****** ** ********** *********** ******* ********** ********** ****** credentials Witnesses in all listings **** ** ordered **** the ******** *** *** ** ********* ** diminish *** operation ** *** ******* The ****** listing ******* ****** ** chosen ********* on the ******** ****** ******* not ** resemblance ** *** perpetrator **** ****** **** **** *** accused and ** fair: **** ******* ********** ****** ********** ******** ****** **** *** *** ************ ******* *** ********* *** ******* Police ************* likewise **** **** projecting ****** to **** **** ********* more sensible ***** ***** ** ** ******** and ********* ************ ** ***** ****** ** ******** conviction ******* *** ******* of *** impacts ** limited ***** *** ******** *********** proof *** ***** ******* **** ***** ** ************* difficult to accomplish ******* ** ******** an adjustment in ****** ******* **** from ********** indictment ************ *** **** ****** ** ********* and logical *********** toward ***** *** *********** of ****** ** ******* ******** *********** According ** ********* (2018) the “courts *** other ***** ********* **** every step ** uphold ***** ******* and ***** **** **** convicting ** ********** (p489) However when * person ** ********** convicted ***** ********* are ****** **** question ** the ****** because of ***** “specific ***** ************* ********** **** p 489) *** ****** *** prosecution *** the ******* department *** “understand *** role ** *** ****** *** do not do anything **** ***** go ******* the ***** ** *** law governing ***** ************* ********** **** ***** The ***** ******* have * **** *** a ****** ** *** ********* to ***** ********** ** ******** conduct" ***** **** ****** ** *** ******** ****** (Kutak 1982 ***** ***** ****** *** **** part ** the ******* ****** are “impartial *** unprejudiced” *** ** ***** ***** of *************** **** were entrusted **** when ****** *** ******** Bar” (Kosonen **** ***** They strive ** find relevant ***** to ****** *** ********* **** ******* to be ****** ** *** ***** crime **** ****** ** *** ***** **** *** *** ***** **** *** *** ***** of *** *** ** ********* * **** *** equal trial ******** **** ****** *** ***** *** separate ********** *** ***** codes" **** ******* **** * ************** to *** public to ****** ********** is being ****** ** * court ** ****** (Kosonen **** * ********* *** ********** ** *** ******* ****** *** Overturning Wrongful Convictions ** ** *** uncommon ** *** justice system ** *** ************ *** ******** convictions *** ** *** ********** of ******* ** ************** error” (Mourer **** ****** Due ** the mass ************* of ********** convicted *********** “procedural ************* **** **** *********** **** the ******* ****** ** ****** **** *** number ** ******** ****** being placed ****** **** is ********** (Pollock **** p67) Some ********** that *** ***** ******* ** ******* law-abiding individuals *** appeals *** **** of ****** ****** ********* ** Kwan ** (2014) most ******* that *** filed are due to the *********** ******* excessive ** *********** ***** ****** when * person is ******* ********* ** * ***** he or she *** not ****** ****** *** **** ** ****** * ****** ******* to the ****** ** ******** *** a ****** ** ***** ******** **** **** ******* **** *** *********** *** ***** in ********* ****** law ** ********** ************* ***** 2014 ***** ****** ****** *** **** be ***** to ******** a ******** ********** ** ********* *** sentence ***** ***** *** ********** evidence” ******* **** p1290) ******* ***** mechanisms can only ** ******** **** there ** ******** **************** in a person’s **** ** ****** the ********** ** ** **** ******** ** *** ******* *** ** *** ******** justice ethic and ***** codes *** ****** **** ********* certain ********** **** ** that ** *********** * ********** if ***** **** there *** ************* ** ****** ** *** ************ ******** **** ***** ********** In 2 decades the ********** *** *********** **** an unknown ********* ** ** ********* criminal ******* ***** *** ****** ** blameless ventures ****** ** ****** ******** *** ***** from 1 ** * ** *** ***** ***** to ************* ** ***** ********* ******* ** ***** ******** promotion ************* ******* have **** ********** ******** passed *** ********* ********** Act ** **** ****** funding to state ************** testing urging ****** ** **** postconviction ******* **** *** raising *** ****** remuneration for absolved ********** ********* to **** *** every time ** ********** Over ** ****** have passed ************** testing **** *** states and **** police ******* **** ******** ********* ** ****************** Seven ****** *** a ********** ****** ** police ********* **** ***** ** ******** distinguishing ***** ******* ***** Carolina **** *** principal blamelessness request commission **** surveys ******** *********** ***** *** ******** significant ****** to * ******** courtThe *********** ** wrongful *********** ***** ********* the ******** ******* *********** decency and ********* ** turning **** ** ********* ********* ** ******** ******* ************* *** ********* ** ************* changes ***** **** diminish this **** ** foul **** *** **** likewise improve *** ******* *** ******** criminal ******* ******** ********************************** P G ****** Overstating ********* wrongful ********** rate? Reassessing *** ************ wisdom ***** *** ********** ** wrongful *********** Arizona *** ****** 60(4) ********* ********* **** https://lopesidmoclcorg/login?url=https://searchebscohostcom/loginaspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=133823074&site=eds-live&scope=site ********* * ****** ******** ******* ****** and the ********** ********** ******** *** ***** 25(3/4) 383 ********* from *********************************************************************************************************************************** ********** Gardner E * ********* ***** ** **** Resort: *** True ***** of * Team ** Crime Experts *** Fought ** **** *** ********** ********* **** **** ********** * R ****** * ******** * J ***** ********** * (2004) ************ in the ****** ****** **** **** ******* **** * Crim * ***** CrimiNology95 523Kosonen H ***** ******** * (2010) Balancing ******* *** ********* *********** of criminalliability *** ********* defense rights: *** ***** *** ********** *** ******* ******** roles ** ******* criminal procedure *************** ****** ********* Retrieved **** ********************************************************************************************************************************************* ***** * J ****** ***** ***** ** Professional ******** A ********** ** ******* *** *** *** ******** *** *********** ******* 68(7) *** ********* **** ********************************************************************************************************************************************* **** ** Lau (2014) Enhancing ********* in *** ******* ** a *********** appeal: Criminal ********* **** ********* ******* ** ***** ******* *** ********* from https://lopesidmoclcorg/login?url=https://searchebscohostcom/loginaspx?direct=true&db=edsjsr&AN=edsjsr24872242&site=eds-live&scope=siteMentovich * ***** ********* * (2018) Law *** ***** ****** The ********* ** legal ******** ** ***** judgment ********** ****** ****** *** Law 24(4) ********* ***************************************************** * * ****** ******* ** ******** ************** Claims to ****** ********* ********** ** ***** *** ****** 64(4) *********** ********* **** https://lopesidmoclcorg/login?url=https://searchebscohostcom/loginaspx?direct=true&db=ofs&AN=502167223&site=eds-live&scope=sitePollock * M ****** ******* dilemmas *** ********* ** criminal justice ***** *** *************************************************************************************************************** **********

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