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Cross-gender interactions in middle-school children. are often not voluntary and are often tinged with hostility b.

1.Cross-gender interactions in middle-school children.

 a. are often not voluntary and are often tinged with hostility b. usually occur in the context of neighborhood play activities, which the children        seek and enjoy c. are encouraged by both parents and teachers as a way to ease children's  discomfort with the other gender d. are similar to adolescents' dating patterns, with couples engaged in romantic  and sexual activities

2.Maintaining friendships after marriage

 a. is easier for men than women—men have more free time outside the home and  can get together with their friends b. is easier for women than men—women tend to form networks of friends and to  maintain these friendships c. is easy for both men and women—both continue their previous relationships d. is difficult for both men and women—both tend to abandon their previous  relationships

3.The Companionship blueprint for marriage

 a. emphasizes an equal mixture of passion, intimacy, and commitment b. describes women as the experts of love c. relies on compatibility and romance for continuing the relationship d. All of the above.

4.Evolutionary psychology predicts that

 a. mate selection is based on mutual status concerns b. women are attracted to men who are good-looking and physically fit c. men value physical attractiveness because it signals reproductive fitness d. same-gender sexual activity contributes to genetic diversity

5.The blueprint in which partners select each other on the basis of romantic attraction and    maintain a relationship in which the man has more power is the __ Blueprint.

 a. Family Duty  b. Companionship  c. Independence  d. Interdependence

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