DATA SpanlDepth ratios for preliminary design of concrete floors. Floors (Live load + SDL = 3 to 5 kPa) Concrete at slab with drop panels LID...
A1. The solutions are to be used for examination preparation only.
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- Attachment 12
DATA SpanlDepth ratios for preliminary design of concrete floors. Floors(Live load + SDL= 3 to 5 kPa) Concrete flat slabwith drop panels LID (spanldepth) LID based on longest span Drop panel width 0.3L Reinforced concreteband beams Band-beam depth 20 (interior span) 18 (end span) Slab depth, based on clear 24distance between faces ofbeams Post Tensionedconcrete bandbeams and slabs BEAM BENDING Band-beam depth 30 (interior span)27 (end span) Slab depth, based on clear 38distance between faces ofbeams rays I\J UI LL
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