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Dazed and Confused: General Education vs. Career Specialization Melanie was really looking forward to college because she thought she would have freedom to select the courses she wanted and the opport

Dazed and Confused: General Education vs. Career Specialization

Melanie was really looking forward to college because she thought she would have freedom to select the courses she wanted and the opportunity to get into the major of her choice (computer science). However, she is shocked and disappointed with her first-term schedule of classes because it consists mostly of required general education courses that seem totally unrelated to her major. She is also frustrated because some of these courses are about subjects she already took in high school (English, history, and biology). She's beginning to think she would be better off quitting college and going to a technical school for a year or two so she can get right into computer science and immediately begin acquiring the skills she will need to work in the computer industry.

Case Assignment

Reflection Questions

  1. If Melanie decides to get a technical certificate and not pursue a college degree, how do you see it affecting her future:
  2. Do you see any way Melanie might strike a balance between pursuing her career interest and obtaining her college degree so that she could work toward achieving both goals at the same time?
  3. Can you relate to Melanie’s story in any way, or do you know anyone else who is having a similar experience?

Assignment Expectations

Each answer should include TWO paragraphs (4 or 5 sentences per paragraph); to earn full credit, provide examples to support your opinion. 

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******************************************* ************** and ******* ********** ********* school ****** ******** ******** that ******* *** *********** for *** *** ****** ********* * ********* *********** ******** **** ******** and ******** situations ***** ** Melanie decides to **** ** ** **** ** **** *** ***** ** **** * few ****** She ***** *** * *** ***** away ******* ** ***** ** *** ****** ****** who only **** technical certificates **** a lesser ****** *** usually ** *** ******* for ********** ********* *** **** to **** * technical ****** ** ***** for * ***** **** ***** *** ** terms ** *** ****** it ** * dead ********** ********* schools ***** ******* ******** ****** ***** *********** prepare * person ** ***** the ********** market ***** ******** **** **** ** ************ ******** For instance if * ** * ** *** ******* ***** ** me **** a ******* ****** * **** go *** them ****** **** *** *** **** a ********* *********** *** candidate **** * ********* *********** might ** **** ** **** ******* * ******* ******* *** way more ****** instilled in **** to handle situations **** do *** necessarily ****** ** the ******** *** ** ***** ** ******* ** ****** * ******* degree ************ is a way she could ************ ****** **** ************ Melanie’s problem **** ** ******** **** college is ******* *** **** *** and ** * ******* degree is *** ****** than * technical *********** ** friend had * degree ** biochemistry *** **** she *** the *** she realized most ** *** ***** ********** *** **** *** ***** *** technical ************* ******* ****** ******* ***** one's time *** ** much of it On *** ***** **** ********* ******* ***** ********* ******** both ****** *** offline She ***** register *** ******* ** * full-time ******* *** will need **** *** ** * ********* online or ******* ******* *** *** ********* *********** This *** *** ***** become **** better while ****** ********* ************ ** the **** ***** materials **** *** ** done with the technical school *** could *** * *** *** still **** *** ****** **** *** is **** **** *** degree *** **** **** * **** ***** ** ************* before ******* I ****** ********** I *** ********* for a ****** in Electrical Engineering * ********** Melanie **** ******* my *********** ***** ************ units **** *** *** electrical engineering *** *** *** first time I **** **** * *** ***** ** ***** ** five ***** ******** subjects I ******* did ** **** ****** They ******** ******** and ******** ******** ************* ****** *** many more **** had ******* ** ** with engineering ** I ****** ** ** ******* ***** ** and **** ****** * could **** a ********* ********** *********** ****** ********* *** still ****** my ******* ******* ** a university ********* ***** *** well *** **** ***** I ********* both ******* ************ *** it took * *** from ** **** ******* ** *** just * *** ******* ****** ********* ** ******** career ** ******* ****** got ** **** jobs *** I ***** *** ********* certificate was * ******* *** **** ******* ** ***** through ** * **** for **** ******* ******** ******* **** **** to realize that a ******* ****** ** ***** *** **** *************

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