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Dear Sir. I have one question. it is liquid related question. (and also medical related) For your reference. if we see the youtub clip for heart MRI,...

Dear Sir.

I have one question.  it is liquid related question. (and also medical related)

For your reference... if we see the youtub clip for heart MRI, we could understand how blood move.

Blood move from right atrium to right ventrium with the velocity of 70cm/s and volum of 70ml/one pumpiing (distance is 6-9cm .

What I am very curious is liquid which pressed on the wall of ventricle when it touch the wall of ventricle) has the enough power to push the particle (by accident, stuck in the wll of ventricle. diameter is 0.5mm and lenth is 2-3mm) into more deeper. 

So if I know the power which pressed on the surface of particle...I could understand it is possible or not for liquid to push particle into deeper.

Pls. calculate the power. thank you very much.

(in my imagination liquid could push the particle such like hard stuff such as hammer or stone...)

This is a problem of momentum transfer; the liquid will cause an impact on the top surface of theparticle which will cause a force on the particle due to change in momentum of the liquid. This...
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