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Decision-making, values, motivations, perceptions, and satisfaction of the customers are the key concepts in consumer behavior that are be studied...

Decision-making, values, motivations, perceptions, and satisfaction of the customers are the key concepts in consumer behavior that are be studied for ...

Consumer behavior includes certain activities, ideas, experiences or decisions that gratify what consumer needs and wants (Solomon, 1996) which means their behavior plays a significant role on how to develop tourism’s industry, especially leisure shopping while they are traveling. Consumer behavior is one of the most researched areas in tourism fields and marketing, which is called “tourist behavior” or “travel behavior”. It is ‘involved in all activities directly concerned about obtaining, consuming and disposing of services and products, which are including the decision processes that antedate and follow these actions’ (Engel, Blackwell, & Miniard, 1995 Engel, p. 4) .The review begins by inspecting what people believe to be the key concepts in tourism consumer behavior research. Decision-making, values, motivations, perceptions, and satisfaction of the customers are the key concepts in consumer behavior that are be studied for ....

1 Running head: CUSTOMER BEHAVIOR IN TOURISM Customer Behavior in TourismStudent’s NameInstitution 2 CUSTOMER BEHAVIOR IN TOURISMCustomer Behavior in TourismDecision-making, motivations,...
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