Depts(dID, dName, budget) Gives the departments, their ID, name and d stands for department. budget. EmployeesfelD. dID, eName, eSalary) Gives the...
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Depts(dID, dName, budget)Gives the departments, their ID, name andd stands for department.budget.EmployeesfelD. dID, eName, eSalary)Gives the employees, their IDs, where theye stands for employeework, their names and salaries.Suppliers(sID, sName, sCity, sState, elD)Gives the suppliers, their IDs, their namess stands for supplier.and where they are located (city and state).Also tells which employees are contactpersons for the suppliers.Items(sID. siCode, dID, iName, MSRP)Gives the items and the departments that selli stands for item, siCade stands for supplier-the items. MSRP=manufacturer suggestedassigned item code.retail price.
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