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Describe how you do or could use operations security in your current job.If you are currently unemployed or in a job in which you are not able to apply the class concepts, define the job you are looki
Describe how you do or could use operations security in your current job.
If you are currently unemployed or in a job in which you are not able to apply the class concepts, define the job you are looking to apply for and how you would use operation security in that job position
Be sure to use APA formatting for your paper. You need to double space your assignment with 1-inch margins. Also, be sure to provide references to the best practices you learned in this class. For example, you can reference the textbook, find additional resources online and in the library. Remember, you want to provide support for your key points by pointing readers to the best practices in operations security.
Length: at least 500-700 words
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* would **** ** ***** ** ** ********* ******** ******* ***** * **** ** *********** for ********* ******** *********** programs ** *** ******* ****** * ***** like ** ** ************* operations ** ***** ***** ** ******** studios ** ****** for ****** customer *** vendor performance ******** ********** securityit is * process **** ** *********** *** *********** essential *********** ** ********* ** ******** ***** *** ** ********** by ************ ************ ******** ** **** ******** ** *********** ***** ** ******* ** ** helpful ** them *** **** ****** selected evaluation **** ****** or eliminate *********** ** also the process of ********** ************ information ***** *** ** **** ******* *** ******** is ** ********** ** to **** **** ** *** work ** *** ******* **** *** be ****** *********** ************* ********* or ****** **** *** **** ****** resource or ********* ******* ********* are **** ***** ***** * **** *** ** ***** *** *********** security1 Identifying Critical Information: before ****** thinks of ******** *** * *** *** **** ***** thing ** ******** **** be security ** *** ********* ******* ***** According ** ******* 2017 ****** fear ********** those in ********* ** *********** ************* **** ****** ***** ******* breaches adverse ***** ******* *** ******* *** ******** technology attempts ** ***** these ******** * ******** of ******** *********** ***** *** organization *** ******** **** ***** its capabilities *** ********** have to ** **** ** advance *********** such *********** *** ********** **** is ****** ********* Analysis of *********** threat analysis is *** process ** finding *** **** adversary’s ability ** *********** ******** *** organization ** *** ************** ** adversaries ** made **** ****** analysis *** *** take more **** ****** ******* ** punish or ***** ***** ********* ***** presents *********** harm or ****** *** threat ** also ******* to **** ***** ** ********* *** ****** ** **** ********* **** ******** security ********** risk ******* **** as cyber-mitigation **** *** cyber ********** ***** ****** ******** ******* ************** ********* ***** ***** are ******** ******** ** vulnerability: *** must identify the ***** ** ********** **** ***** be ******** by *** ********* *** **** ** *********** **** *** ** ********* ** *** ************** ******** **** ** adversary can ****** ************* is fundamental ** ********* and *********** ********** of disasters ************* ************* *** ******** *** ******** to focus ** tactics ***** structural ************* helps ******** practice *** ****** as well ** ************* ********** ********* **************** **** assessment:Potential **** ********** is of ***** importance for any Operations ******** process **** *** *************** *** ******* have **** ********** **** time *** ********* *** ********* risk **** these *** **** follows ** *** ********* ***** **** risk is **** out ** * ********** ********* then it’s ********* ** ******* **** risk6 *********** ** final countermeasure: ************** ** the steps taken ** attack *** *************** or ******* As *** ** ******** *** **** ********** is ******** there ****** ** *********** ******* ************** *** **** ***** ********* ******** of ******** **** **** into ********* situations ********* **** management as *** of the ********* security ****** ****** and *************** ******** ** the *******