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Development in the West 1. What was the most important item to own in the West? 2. How did the Indians view land ownership? 3. Describe the way Americans and the American government treated the I
Lecture 2: Development in the West
1. What was the most important item to own in the West?
2. How did the Indians view land ownership?
3. Describe the way Americans and the American government treated the Indians.
4. What was the Dawes-Severalty Act?
5. Describe the impact of the Mormons on westward development.
6. Describe the impact of cattle ranching on the Midwest.
7. Describe homesteading in the Midwest.
8. Describe the impact of logging in the Northwest
9. Describe how the railroads affected western development
10. Describe the impact of mining on western development
11. What were the Water wars about?
12. Describe the impact of the Chinese on development in the West.
13. Describe American relations with Hispanics in the West.
14. Describe why Americans were drawn to the West.
Lecture 3: Growth of Cities in the East
1. How did the industrial revolution affect the growth of cities in the East?
2. Describe the lifestyles of the urban poor.
3. Who was Jacob Riis and what was his impact on the urban poor?
4. Describe machine politics and their effect on growth in the cities.
5. What were Settlement Houses?
6. Describe the new wave of immigrants in the late 1800s.
7. How did the South treat the recently freed slaves?
8. What was the Atlanta Compromise?
9. What was the second Mississippi Plan?
10. What was Plessy v. Ferguson?
11. What improvements occurred in education in the later 1800s?
12. How did women’s roles change in the late 1800s?
13. What was the 19th Amendment?
Lecture 4: Political stalemate and Upheaval
1. How did political parties operate in the second half of the nineteenth century?
2. What was waving the bloody shirt?
3. What were the demographics of the political parties in the late nineteenth century?
4. Discuss structural changes in the political process.
5. Discuss the political stalemate between 1874 and 1896.
6. What scandals occurred in the Grant administration?
7. What was Credit Mobilier?
8. What were the Interstate Commerce Act of 1887 and the Hepburn Act of 1906?
9. Describe the plight of Farmers in the post-war period.
10. What were Greenbackers and Silverites?
11. What was the impact of the Populist Party on elections in the late 1800s?
12. What is laissez-faire and which political party practices it?
13. What was the gold standard? What event strengthened the use of gold at the expense of silver and paper money?
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************** 2: *********** ** the West1 What *** *** **** important **** to own in *** West? *** most ********* item ** *** ** *** West *** ***** How *** the ******* view land ********** *** ******* ******** **** **** *** to be used by ******** and not ** ********** Therefore the ******* ******** **** **** ****** *** ** **** *** ** ***** ** **** ************ ******** the way ********* and *** ******** ********** ******* *** Indians The Indians **** ********* ******* **** **** ** the ********* ** **** *** ******** the ******** ****** ** give *** Indians *** ***** western tribes ***** *** ******* *********** ******* *** **** ** the **** was reduced after *** Congress ****** *** *********** **** led ** ****** *** conflicts **** *** ****** ******* *** ** **** made *** ******* ** sign the peace ********* What *** *** *************** ******* *************** *** ** * ** *** that ******** *** *** distribution ** *** ****** *********** **** among the ********** ****** ********* *** objective ** **** *** *** ** create *********** ******* ** the image ** the white **** Describe *** impact ** the ******* on ******** *********** *** impact ** *** Mormons ** westward development *** ** ********** to *** ****** ** *** white man’s ********* ** *** west ** sending ******* 'pioneers' ***** to ***** houses ***** ***** and ** *** up ******* ***** *** the ********* **** *** ** *** realization ** *** ******** ** ******** Destiny6 ******** *** impact ** ****** ******** ** *** ********** ****** ** cattle ******** ** the ******* ** that ** ****** to grow and ******* ***** in the ******* ** **** ** ******* businesses For ******* hotels *** ******* developed ******* ** *** ****** ******** in the ******* Cattle ******** **** *** *** opportunity to grow themselves ******* **** ***** ******** the ****** ** ******* prices and sell **** ** much ****** ****** ****** ******* ** **** ********** ****** ************** *** **** ********* because of *** ********* ** *** ********* **** *** **** This allowed the ranchers ** ****** *** beef ** the ****** ******** Describe ************ ** the ******* ************ was * movement ***** objective was to promote free ********* ** land in *** ******* *** **** *** the Great Plains by *** ****** who **** ******* ** ****** ** *** land *** ** ********* ** *** ** ***** **** ***** Homesteading ******** *** ************ ** sod ****** ** ******** ***** ** *** west **** *** Midwest ***** *** ** ****** *** no ****** ** ****** ** build *** mud ****** **** **** vulnerable ** both vermin *** *** ******* This **** life ** ** ********** **** *** *** ***** ******* ************ since some homesteaders *********** challenges ***** ******** in ********* ***** ********** **** ******* ** **** ********** irrigating ***** lands *** ************ movement *** ** establishment of the ********* *** of ***** ******** *** impact ** ******* ** the ********* The ****** ** ******* in *** ********* *** *** **** ** *** ****** ******** The rise ** *** ****** ******** was ****** ************ ** *** ****** ** *** ********* ** **** ** *** ** *** *********** ** ******* ***** ***** ** **** ***** Mill ***** **** ******** to ****** *** ******** *** **** **** ** be *********** ***** ********* free **** ************ ** *********** *** ********** *** ***** ************* ******* **** created room *** more settlers ******* *** settlers had to log *** ***** ******* **** **** *** ***** *** ********** ******* **** ***** *** *** better ******** ************** as *** lumber industry gained **** ****** ******** *** *** ********* ******** ******* *********** ********* ******** ******* *********** in **** ways First ********* fostered further growth ** ***** as the lumber ******** **** For instance ********* ****** * ****** route to ****** ****** *** Cascade ********* ********* efficient transportation ** **** ****** ** the eastern ******* ****** western ************* ******** *** ****** ** ****** ** ******* *********** *** impact ** ****** ** ******* development *** **** negative *** ******** western ****** ******* ***** ** the ***** *********** because *** **** **** **** the ****** ********** *** ***** ****** ** *** ***** ******* ***** formed **** deposits ********** **** later flooded *** ********* *** ***** ************ ***** **** poisonous *********** ***** **** ** ******* that ***** be ******** **** the atmosphere ********* *** ****** *** *** air ****** of gold *** ******* required mercury ***** an ****** ** mercury ******** the local ******* *** rivers ******* ****** **** encouraged erosion *** ******* ******** desertification ******* ********* ***** because *** ******* and ****** **** ****** ** *********** over *** effects ** *** ********** ** *** ******* **** **** *** ***** wars ****** *** ***** **** during *** ******* *********** **** a result ** ***** rights ******* **** as *** **** ** ***** ********* ******* *** *********** ******** contributed *** ***** wars ***** was ******** **** *** ****** with ********* **** ******* water ******* ** **** ******** ******** *** impact ** *** ******* ** development in *** ******* ****** of the ******* ** *********** ** the **** had ********** ************ For ******** ** *** ** *** ********* ** the increasing ******** gap ***** *** different ***** **** ******** * more ***** *** stable *********** of *** **** ** ***** of *** ******** ************* ******** ******** ********* **** ********* ** *** **** *** American ********* with Hispanics ** *** **** *** *** very ideal *** idealism ** *** ******** ******* *** *** ***** ********* ******* ****** *** ** *** **** the Mexicans in addition to *** brutal mistreatment and *********** ** *** *********** ******** *** Americans **** ***** to the West *** Americans **** ***** ** *** **** because of the **** rush and ****** opportunities **** **** ******* ** the West *** example Nevada offered ****** which seemed ** ** * *********** *********** *** *** ********* ** take ********* ** ***** ************* ******** *** opportunity to **** ** *** ****** ******** **** *** availability of ******** *** supplies *** *** **** *********** ** own ***** land under the Homestead *** These **** the Americans ** the WestLecture ** ****** ** ****** ** *** ***** How did *** industrial revolution ****** *** ****** of ****** ** *** East? *** ********** ********** ******** *** growth ** cities ** the East ******* of *** rise ** ***** *** ********* The mills *** factories **** ** ****** ** people to *** new ****** ***** ******** *** demand ** *** urban *************** *** new industries ********* and ***** ***** ** **** ********** ****** the ****** of *** *** ****** ******* ****** ******* ***** cities ** take ********* ** *** *** job ************** ******** the ********** ** *** ***** poor *** ********** ** the ***** poor *** ************** ** * ******* extent **** ***** in *********** *** ********** ******* ********** ate * **** **** were **** *** wages suffered the ****** of insecure ********** and ******* *** ******* of *** *** *** ********** *** *** ***** **** and **** *** his impact ** *** ***** poor? Jacob **** *** * ********** as well ** * ****** ******** *** ********** *** ****** ** ********* ******* and ******* ***** *********** ** *** ***** **** *** ****** on the urban **** was ******* and pressing *** ***** reforms **** *** ** *** development of *********** **** ****** ** **** ********** ** tenement ******* *** ************ towards *** ******** ** ******** **** Park helped ** ******* a crime-ridden ******* **** to ******* *** ****** **** exposure ** ****** since ** believed **** nature *** **** ******** *** *** ***** ***** ******** machine ******** *** ***** ****** ** ****** ** *** ****** ******* politics ****** ** * phenomenon ** ***** politics ************* ** * ****** ************** ********** *** a ***** organization ******* ******** ******** ** ********** *** ********* ********* ** example ** ******* ******** was ******* ***** (1789-1950) *** effect ** machine politics ** the ****** ** the ****** ** that *** ********* ******** ******** *** *********** *** *** decision-makers in *** **** **** ******* **** ****** ****** ****** *** ** **** ** the ********* *** support ******* politics ***** **** ****** ** immigration *** ********* from rural areas ********** the ********** ** growth in *** cities5 **** **** Settlement Houses?Settlement Houses were *** ********* **** were designed to ******* the ******** of the ******* ****** ******* ** *** rapidly ******* ******* ******** *** *** **** of ********** ** *** **** ***** The new **** of immigrants ** *** late ***** occurred ******* of the *** **** **** were created *** to *** ***** ****** ** the economy of the ****** ****** This **** ** *** ********** from ******** ****** ** *** ****** ****** *** ******** **** of *** ********** **** from ***** ******* Ireland ******* *** *** ********* of *********** **** ** the ********** ****** *** 1800s **** from ***** ********* ******* of **** ******* ********* taxes job *** **** ********* *** ****** *** *** ****** States seemed ** * land ** economic opportunity7 *** *** the ***** ***** *** recently ***** ********** South ******* *** recently ***** ****** ** free ****** although **** *** *********** After ******* *** ended the ***** *********** across *** ***** ********** ***** ***** *** Black Codes **** **** ********** ** grant the slaves ******* ***** ****** **** ** *** ***** to own property *** ***** ** ***** and *** ***** ** *** ** ***** *** Black ***** made ** ******* for ***** ***** ****** ** testify ******* ****** ***** on ****** or serve ** ***** militias8 What was *** ******* *********** *** ******* ********** ** a ********** that ******** ** **** ***** ********** agreed ** blacks ********* segregation ** the ***** **** as **** ******* ** ******** **** ** ***** ** ******* *** ********* equality ** *** ******* **** *** *** ****** *********** ***** *** ****** *********** Plan *** * plan **** ******** potential voters ** **** ******* ** *** ***** for ** ***** *** ***** and ****** **** * ******** **** or *********** understanding ** *** ******* ** the state constitution **** ***** be **** ** them10 **** was ****** * Ferguson?Plessy * ******** ** a ***** case **** ****** ** establish the ***************** ** *** **** ********* ******** equal public accommodations *** ****** and ******* *********** **** ************ occurred ** ********* in the ***** ******** the later ***** *** ************ that ******** ** education ******** *** ********* ********* *** *** ******** ** **** ****** courses *** ******** For ******* ******* **** added ** physical ******** modern ********* law ******* ********** ********* *** medical schools which expanded *********** *** did ********* roles ****** in the **** ****** Women’s roles changed in the late ***** with ***** inclusion ** *** ********** ***** ******* ** **** ***** ***** and women’s organization ****** ** **** *** ***** ** **** Women **** **** allowed to **** *** ********* ******** *** *********** economic ******** in ******** ** the social reforms This *** to * ******* increase ** the ****** ** ***** who **** ******** in *** late 1800s13 **** *** *** **** ********** *** **** Amendment *** *********** ** ****** **** American ******** ***** no ****** be ****** the right ** **** ***** ** their *** ** ****** *** ***** ** *** **** ***** for political ******** *** womenLecture ** ********* ********* *** ********* *** did political ******* ******* in *** ****** half ** the ********** ******** ****** the ****** **** ** *** ********** ******* ********* parties ******* gaining * space ** the government *** dominant political ***** ****** **** ****** was *** *********** party ***** *** ******** *** ** share power **** *** ********* ******** ** *** **** **** *** ******** ********* The Republicans ********** *** government ******* **** *** **** ***** **** **** prevalent cases of corruption ****** *** ********** **** ******** ******* the ********** ******** ** the ********* ******* ****** to fulfil their greed ******* ** *** ***** ** *** ******* ********* ******* supporters *** ********* arose ** ********** sold their votes *** lucrative government positions2 **** was ****** the bloody shirt? ****** *** bloody ***** ****** ** the ******** that involved politicians ****** ********* ** the ***** of *** ****** ** martyrs ** ********* *** ********* ** *** * ********* ******** **** involved *********** ****** * *** ***** ** portray *** shirt ** * **** ***** Soldier *** *** **** ****** ** their opponents the ********** **** were *** ************ ** the ********* parties ** *** late ********** ******** *** demographics ** *** ********* parties in the **** ********** ******* ******** *** ***** parties ********** *** ********* ********* *** ** *** ******* *** *** **** ***** ***** was *** by Henry **** *** *** Democratic ***** ***** *** led by Andrew Jackson *** ************ of *** ********* parties varied because **** ** the ******* *** ********* supporters For example *** *********** **** ********* by ************ ****** such ** *** ***** ********* and Hispanics ***** *** Democrats were ********* ** the ********* *** *********** *** ********** *** ****** *** **** ************** ** *** **** were supported byCatholics ********** *** *********** ***** they *** ***** *** sameliberal ******** *** ******* ** *** same ***** On the ***** *************** **** supported ** * **** **************** ***** ******* structural ******* ** *** ********* ******* ********** ******* ** *** political process *** be ********* ** ********* changes ** ****** ********* in *********** resources ** *** ******* *** ** *** ****** ******** of * ********** ****** ** *** ********* ******* ** the ******** ** ********* *** ******** movement ** *** ***** *** ** political ******* **** was ******* ******* **** angered ** *** higher fees *** ***** **** were ******* ******* *** ******* ** ******* alliances with ********* ************* ** ****** for ******* *** ********* by *** ******* led ** the expansion of the process to hire *** promote employees ****** the ********** ***** ******** ****** ***** by *** ******** ** *** Senate It **** ***** *** *** *** ********** that ******* the people ** **** for ****** ** proposals **** directly ******** them Finally *** ********* process changed ** ** * ****** vote **** *** President being ******* ** ****** *** *** **** *** ***** Discuss the ********* ********* ******* **** and **** * ********* ********* ****** ** a ********* ***** *********** between *** political parties *** the ************ ******** *** very ***** leading to ******* ** *** ********* ******* ***** **** to ******* *** *********** **** *** **** ** the ******** ****** *** power ** govern **** ** *** issues ****** * political ********* *** ********* ********* between **** and **** involved the Democrats *** *** *********** where **** *** ***** ** *** ********* **** ******* ***** ******* *** *********** ******* *** elections **** ***** (1876) Garfield ****** Harrison (1888) *** ******** (1896) *** ********* controlled *** ***** House with ********* ** **** and ***** What ******** ******** ** *** ***** *************** *** ******** ******** in the ***** administration ******** ********** cases ** **** as *********** **** ***** done ** *** ******* ******** ******* *** ******** ******* ** *** ************ *** ************* Some of **** included *** ****** ******** ***** that ******** ** ******* ************ of ************ ********* ** a company ******* ** more **** ** ******* being lost *** ***** **** *** *** Whiskey **** ** 1875 ***** some ******* ********** ********* *** ** government by evading ***** *** ***** stamps This **** involved the government officials ****** * fraction ** *** ****** **** ***** ** ******* *** *** ****** ** **** advantage ** the distiller companies ***** was also the ***** Pacific ******** where ************ **** shares ** *** ******** ** ************ ********* the Congressmen7 **** was ****** ********* The Credit ******** issue **** ******** an ******* ************ ** ************ ********* ** * ******* ******* ** **** than ** ******* ***** lost8 What **** *** Interstate ******** *** ** 1887 *** *** Hepburn *** ** 1906? *** Interstate Commerce *** ** **** was ****** in Cleveland ** ******** *** ******** services *** ***** in order to promote **** ****** ***** charged ***** ** ******** *** Act **** ********** ********* **** ******* *** ****** ** ****** ****** in exchange for ***** ******** ******* ** ******** ***** *** ************* railroad owners *** ******* Act ** 1906 **** into ****** ***** railroads ********* ** ******** ***** prices ***** ****** ********* of *** ********* **** *** ****** ** ********* and inspect ******** ***** by the ********** and ******* *** **** ****** ** *** ********** ******** *** ****** of ******* in the ******** ****** *** ******* were desperate and ***** ***** World *** 1 ******* **** felt that **** were in need During the *** *** ******* had gone *** *********** ***** ***** trying ** feed *** armies *** ****** ** ******* ** ******* **** **** ***** ** *** ******* had purchased ***** ******** *** pieces of ***** ******* ** the high demand ***** ***** *** *** ***** *** too **** **** ******* ** * ******* **** in *** food prices *** *** ******* **** ****** to pay for *** **** or **** ***** crops *** ***** *** **** ******* them **** ****** *** the ******** ******** ******* *** ******* ** **** ** *** ********* ***** ******** *** the ******* ********* ** hold the ***** and negotiate *** ****** ****** **** led to the ********* ** *** Populist ***** ** ********* *** ******** ********* What were ************ and *********** *** Greenbackers were ******* ** the Greenback ***** *** ****** ** **** *** ******* ****** ***** time of *** crisis *** Greenbackers ********* for *** ******** in *** ************ ** **** to **** *** **** *** ***** ** the citizens ** *** other hand *** ********** **** ******* ** *** Silver ***** *** ********* *** *** campaigned for *** ************* ** ****** for *** community ** ********* **** **** ***** ** minted ** enhance *** ****** ** ****** **** was *** ****** ** *** ******** Party ** elections in *** **** ****** *** impact ** *** Populist Party *** the ********** ** ********** *** change while ****** *** ********* ** ** **** The ******** ***** also **** *** **** ** ** secret ***** ******** *** **** ** *** ********* ** * ******** ******* *********** *** ******** ***** *** ** the ******** being ******* ** **** *** ******** and *** the ******** to ******* ***** ***** *** ****** **** ************* **** is ************* and which ********* ***** practices *** The laissez-faire is ** economic doctrine ******* ** ********* ****** ********* that ********** **** **** *********** ****** ******* **** little ** ** ************ **** ******** ******** This ***** **** transactions ******* ******* ****** *** **** ** **** ***** own ****** without ************ from *** ************ **** *** *** gold ********* **** event strengthened *** *** ** **** at *** ******* ** silver *** ***** ****** The **** standard *** ********** ** *** Republicans ***** ******* ******** as ** ******** ****** ***** *** ***** ** * currency *** ********* ** a ***** ******** of **** *** ***** **** ************ *** *** of *** **** standard at the ******* ** *** ****** *** ***** money *** *** ******* discovery ** *** **** ** ****** ***** ********* *** money supply ** the ****** This *** ** the **** being ********** ** ** * ***** *********** ** *** ******* of *** *******