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Directions: Students are to answer the questions using the assigned readings for the week. Students will need to respond to at least one classmate and to the instructor. All work must include referenc

Directions: Students are to answer the questions using the assigned readings for the week. Students will need to respond to at least one classmate and to the instructor. All work must include references and/or citations. The textbook is required. Although some questions may include longer responses, the minimum word count for each question is 150 words. To prepare for this Discussion students are to review Unit 1 and 2. After reviewing Units 1 and 2 answer the following questions in the discussion board. Students will need to select at least five questions to answer from unit 1 or 2. 

Unit 1 Questions:

1. Watch the video from Unit 1 lesson 1 and select three of the groups from this film. Which regions did these groups derive from? What insights from the film surprised you about this group? What were their specific contributions?

 2. Several groups arrived to the New World after 1492. Unit 1, lessons 2 provides insights about these various groups. Choose two groups from the readings from Unit 1 lesson 2. What conflicts or challenges did both groups encounter? What commonalities did you find between both groups? How did these two groups differ? 

3. Select one film from Unit 1 in lessons 3-4. Which film did you select to view? What was the name of the film? Identify at least three insights you gain from this film?

 4. Reflect on your understanding of what you just reviewed in Unit 1, lesson 4. Create a map or chart highlighting some of the differences you found between the middle, northern and southern colonies.

 5. Choose three colonies that you have studies in Unit 1 lesson 4 and identify the characteristics prior to 1765. 6. Discuss your understanding of the Middle Passage from the readings and films. What was the middle passage and what was its impact on the American colonies?

 Unit 2 Questions:

 1. Select two images from the textbook in Unit 2 lesson 5. What are the images? What colors or features are presented in these images? How does this connect to your own understanding about the origins of America? 

2. Watch Unit 2 films, lesson 6 and 7 Making and Revolution, Wining Independence, and Inventing a Nation. Create a newspaper article or modern day social media post describing what you have just read, seen and or heard about the film and reading on the American Revolution. Provide detailed insights to the readers about what you have just experienced in history. Select one image from the readings/films describing one of the events that you have just observed. 

3. Create your own country and a constitutional government. In your response or document, make sure that you also create/identify your own system of government. How does your own government compare or contrast from the U.S. Constitution? Who are your leaders? How do they compare or contrast from the leaders/framers discussed in Unit 2?

 4. Write a letter or journal entry to someone sharing your insights about what you have observed and analyzed about two events from Unit 2 lesson 7 and 8. The letter needs to address which two events you observed, the participants involved, the outcome of the events, and provide your analysis of why this event is significant to American history. 

5. Create a draft proposal explaining your position for or against the War of 1812. Provide 5 reasons explaining why you are for or against the war. Please include examples from the readings and films.

You will only need to include the course Learning Materials. Please DO NOT USE OUTSIDE RESOURCES!  The assignments are designed for you to only use the Learning Materials.  The reference/citation for the book is below. Please post this at the bottom of your assignment.

     Textbook Citation: UNT Richland Campus History Textbook. (2008) revised 2023.

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