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For this week's journal I would like you to reflect on your consumption patterns in light of the assigned readings and videos related to the environment that I assigned this week. Afterwards, I would like you to calculate and reflect on your ecological footprint. Please go to the Global Footprint Network (Links to an external site.) website and take the quiz.

Specifically, I would like to know how much land area does it take to support your lifestyle, what are your biggest areas of resource consumption, and what could you do to decrease your ecological footprint? In addition to calculating your ecological footprint, I would like you to do a little bit of research and find out (1) where your water comes from, (2) where your electricity comes from, (3) where your food comes from, and (4) where your garbage goes. For your water, electricity, and garbage, I'd like to know more than the company name--try to dig a little bit on each website and find out the specifics. Food is a big question, but do a little bit of label investigation and try to determine where the food in your refrigerator comes from.

In your journal write-up please tell me about your consumption patterns and what struck you either both from the reading/viewing and from this exercise. The reason I am asking you to do this research is because most of us don't think about where are products come from or where they go when we are done with them. Let me know if you have any questions.

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