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DISCUSSION: Fully explained Intelligence-led policing and total criminal intelligence. (Provide in-text citations connected to listed source references.) Reaction Paper: Reading: Chapter 14: An Int
DISCUSSION: Fully explained Intelligence-led policing and total criminal intelligence. (Provide in-text citations connected to listed source references.)
Reaction Paper: Reading: Chapter 14:
An Introduction to Homeland Security.
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**************** Policing *** ***** ***** **************** ** ******************* ** **************************** ******** *** ***** ***** **************************** ******** *** the ***** ******** intelligence have led ** *********** law enforcement ******* the ********** ***** exclusive ***** ***** ** *********** ** ******** issues *** ******** ************ ******** *** *** computers ** ******* *** data **** relates ** ***** **** ***** the ******** ********* the *** ***** which ** return **** ** *** enforcement The ** ********** ** ******* describes ************ ******** ** * ************* *** enforcement ******** **** utilizes ********* ********** **** ** *************** ******** ****** accountability ** **** as ******* of information with the **** ****** of ********* ************ ********** ************ ************ ******* on *** collaboration ** various ******** such ** *** FBI ***** law enforcement ** ensure **** ******** ********** are ********** ********** ***** ** ******** ********** ******** ** it ******** victimizationTotal ******** ************ refers to *** use of ************* ***** in *** *********** ** *********** **** ** ******* to crime *** ******* *** involve *** *** of **************** *********** **** ******* ** criminals The information may ** ****** ** *** *** *** as **** ** ********* of ******** ********** **** ***** *** sociodemographic *********** can **** from external ******* ** think tanks who *** relate ** the **** ** *********** *** national *** *********** ******** ****** on **** type of *********** to make ********* ****** led ********* concerning * ***** ************ *** ******** ********** ** **** ** investigative ************ ********** *** ****** ** *** ******** ******* ******** ************* ******** **** *********** ** **** ** *********** *** **** of crime *** the ********* likely ******** *** ****** *** ******* ** ********* **** *** ******** *********** ** **** to the ***** ******** The ********* *********** does *** **** ** ************ ****** it ** ********* and ***** upon ******** ******** *** ***** of ******** ************ ** achieve ********** results ****** ** ** ***** Thus total criminal ************ ******** ********* ************ ********** to ********* the crimeReferencesJalil M * **** * Ling * * ***** **** * * M ****** ******** intelligence analysis ***** ** ontological ********* representation ***** ************* ******* ** Engineering ***** ********** ****** **************** * H (2016) **************** ******** Routledge Reaction ***** Chapter 13NameInstitution Chapter *********** *** *************** ** explains possible ****** ********** in homeland ******** The section mainly ******** **** terrorism *** ******* **** *** **** ****** *** ** ****** the tactics *** of *** **** challenges ** ******** terrorism ** ** ****** that *** *********** ******** ** so ****** *** confines of the ************ * ***** **** ******** security ****** ************ evolve ** the ************* threat ********* ****** ******** ****** embrace policy *********** **** ********* domestic ******** *********** * **** **** *** ****** ** ******** ******** ****** ***** ** ************* ** ******** ******* **** **** ****** the ******** ******************** chapter ******** **** ******** ******** ****** **** a ************ ** **************** ********* *** fighting ********* * ***** with *** idea **** ******** security should embrace ********** ******** *** ****** ** ****** ********* ******** ****** ***** ******* **** ** 615) The *** ** ******* **** **** ******** practical ********** ** fighting ********* ******** ******** ****** evolve into *********** science that ******** ********** *** models ** predict *** **** security threats Like any ***** homeland ******** ****** ** ********* and adaptive ** *** **** ** ******* I ********** **** terrorism ** not a ******* **** ** ****** *** ever-changing ******** ******** ******* **** *********** change requiring new ********** * believe **** *** current ********** *** **** ********* **** ***** ** *** **** * *** ******* *** **** terrorists **** ******** ** ************* ideologies **** **** **** to ****** The ****** ********* ** **** ********* **** is ****** ******** ** ******** while placing ****** ******** ** nationalism *** modern terrorists also have * ***** ***** *** **** ** ******** *** ********** **** ** ***** ********** ** *** **** decades are *** going ** **** ** contemporary ********** ** ** also likely **** the current ******* ** ******** security **** not **** ******* ****** terrorists ***** *** ******* and ********** will have ******* It ** therefore necessary for new ******** *** ****** ** ******* ** anticipation of ****** ******** also ***** **** *** success ** homeland ******** ******** will ****** ** ***** ********** ** *********** the ******** *********** ******** ****** ***** ******* **** pg **** ******** ***** ** terrorism **** mostly arisen **** external forces Foreign ****** ****** ************ the **** ******** ***** *** retribution *** ** international grounds *** growing threat of domestic ********* will ******* that homeland ******** ****** ****** ***** on ******** threats *** **** ** **** *** a ******* call ** *** ******* **** ******* that ********** **** not homegrown ISIS *** * broader reach ** *** ************* ******** **** **** fighters **** **** ******* countries including **** western nations *** ********* *** ******** since ** *** ** *** ****** ** prevent terrorists **** entering *** ******* **** ** its ******** were ****** ** *** ****** **** to ******* ********* ideologies *** *** ******** and ***** therefore **** to consider **** the ******** *********** can ******* terrorists that are just ** ******* The ****** ******* in homeland security ****** ** ********* ** ***** local ** **** as ******* ********** Homeland security *** to ******* *** success ** ***** measure ** its ******* ** ****** *** ********* *** domestic *********** * ******* that should ******* ******** the ****** ** mass shootings **** can help ******** *** *********** ** ******** ***************** ********* **** ** ******** security ** *** reversal ** ********* tendencies * ***** **** **** ****** **** ************* ********** *** change for *** ****** *** ********** *** * ********* **** tracking and ********* ***** **** ********* ********** ********* *** enforcement ******** have ****** **** **** *********** ********* but *** ** nothing *** to constitutional *********** In **** ***** **** have ** **** *** ********* **** ** ******** ********** ****** arresting **** (Capron ***** ******* **** ** **** *** ******** ** ********* *********** ***** ********* ****** in *** ********* commit actual ****** ****** *** *** *********** gathers ******** ******** ******* **** ***** *** arrest *** ********** often takes ******** measure to ******* *** ********* ********** ** **** case *** ********** ******* and ******* those *********** with ******* ****** ******* ******* is the ************ ** extremists ** 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