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Discussion: Health Issues: From Global to LocalIt is often said that the world is “becoming smaller.” Among the justifications for statements such as this is that people are more mobile than ever
Discussion: Health Issues: From Global to Local
It is often said that the world is “becoming smaller.” Among the justifications for statements such as this is that people are more mobile than ever before, more likely to visit other countries, and more likely to be consumers of products shipped from other countries.
While there are many benefits to being citizens of a smaller world, there are also some disadvantages. Among these is the threat of disease and other health problems that originate elsewhere. What begins as a local health problem can quickly become a national or even an international health problem. As a nurse leader, you could be called upon to not only to help treat such issues but to help inform and educate your local population about the threat.
In this Discussion, you will examine one global healthcare issue and consider your potential role as a source of information for the population you serve.
To Prepare:
- Review the World Health Organization’s (WHO) global health agenda in the Resources. World Health Organization (WHO). (n.d.). Global health agenda. Retrieved September 20, 2018, from
- Identify and select one health issue at the global level that has implications at the local level.
- Reflect on how a nurse leader might work with local authorities to inform and educate the local population about the global health issue you selected.
By Day 3 of Week 11
Post a summary of the global health issue you selected and explain how it has impacted the local population. Be specific and provide examples. Then, explain the data you would need to best inform/educate the local population about this global health issue. Describe at least one source you might consult and use to gather this data and provide a rationale for why you would consult this source.
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*********** Health Issues: **** ****** to LocalTuberculosis (TB)In this ******* problem ******* ** *********** poor ********* ********* *** the ******* ****** ** ********* *** ********** *********** It is a ******** caused ************** ***** ** Mycobacterium tuberculosis It *** *** **** **** ******** the ***** ** **** as it *** ** can **** ********* ****** ** the **** *** ******* ** transmitted through *** *** where ** ********** **** TB ***** ******* or ***** ** the ***** that *** ******** has been ********* ****** ***** ** ** ** *** ********** *** * checkup In the ***** that *** have a ****** resistant ********* the *********** is **** ** *** ** The ************** *** ** an awful **** that ***** ***** **** 3 ***** ****** ********* fever ******** ** ***** ** ***** *********** ** ********** night ****** *** **** of ******* ***** *** **** ***** ****** ***** different ***** can be utilized to **** in *** ***** that you **** ** *** ** *** ******* **** *** ****** is lethal *** *** ** a **** *** ******* ** ** ****** * few drugs in ********* **** * **** ********** **** * *********** *** ** ******* *** ******** **** as ***** ********** ** *** ******* ** ********* ******** ** ****** ****** * prescription ********** and ****** ** treatment and ******** **** *** ******** *** *** *** errands I do ** **** ********* * **** ******* instruction *** illuminate ** ******** ** it ** *********** *** people *** ******** *** ********** ***** *** ******* ******* how ** ***** ** *** *** **** ******** to ********** ************ ** the ******** They *** ********** ** the ******** ** good *********** and *** risks ********** **** ********** ********* *** *********** *** * ******** ********* ******** about *** symptoms *** consequently they ***** to ***** ***** the ******** **** ********* substances *** ******* ****** or ********* *********** * *** utilize ** *********** ******* ** ******* job *** involvement **** ********* adherence ** ************ treatment ***** ******** ** ******** A subjective ****** *** ******* is ********** *** ******* problem ** an ideal ****** ********* ******* ****** creäte a ********** source ** ******** **** ******** **** ** complete ***** treatment **** additionally **** * ***** of *************** and demonstrate a ************* ************* ** ****** among ********* ** treatment ReferencesCarlsson M ********* S Eale * * * ***** ****** * * (2014) ********* roles and experiences **** ********* ********* ** ************ ********* ***** patients ** ******** * *********** ***************** ******** *** ******************* * Allen L & ****** * ****** ************* * New ********* Recommendation *** ** ******** Approach to *********** in *** United ******* * ****** ** **** ********** testing and treatmentThe American ******* of ************* ****