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Discussion: Plant Assets (20 points)Imagine that you are the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of a startup airline company. The executive management team has tasked you with making a recommendation about

  • Discussion: Plant Assets (20 points)
    • Imagine that you are the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of a startup airline company. The executive management team has tasked you with making a recommendation about whether the company should buy or lease airplanes. Analyze the major pros and cons for leasing and buying assets. Based on your analysis, provide a recommendation to the executive team.
    • Compare and contrast the three (3) methods for depreciating plant assets. Recommend the method that maximizes profits for both a shorter period of time and a longer period of time.
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******* vs ****** *** ********************************************************************** ** Buying *** ********************* ** ****** ** Aircraft LeasingThe ****** *** ******* ******* *** aircraft ******* ** *** cost *** general strategy ** ** ******* ******* *** *** ********* ** ************* Companies **** *** ****** to raise sufficient funds ** purchase an ***** **** ***** the services ** the ***** through leases ******* *** **** so ********* leases ******* the ******* **** ratios ***** it does *** appear ** the ****** ** *********** of *** ******* ****** & ****** **** * 133) **** is different *** a bank loan ***** to ******* an asset ******** *** ***** payments also ****** *** tax ******** of *** ******* because **** *** ************** ******** ******* is **** ********** **** *** ****** incurs *** the *********** and ********* ***** *** *** ****** Another ********* with leasing ** **** the lessee *** *** *** ****** ***** ***** *** ** *** ********* **** *** risk of obsolescence All ************* ************ ***** *** *********** to *** lessorLeasing *** * ******* ***** ** is ****** *** costlier option ** the **** *** *** accumulated ***** ******** ** *** *** ** *** useful life ** *** ***** ***** ****** the ******** **** *** the ***** *** other ************ with leasing is **** *** ownership ** *** transferred ** *** lessee ****** extra ***** *** ******** (Bourjade Huc ***** ************ **** * *** *** lessee ****** opt out of * lease **** *** ***** ******** ** finalized ******* incurring ***** ***** The ***** ***** *** * ******* ********** **** the ***** is ** ****** used ** *** ****** *** ****** is *** ******* to ****** *** ****** ***** ***** ** a ******* for *********** businessesBuyingBuying ******** the ********* ** ********* the ***** ownership ***** *** ******** Owning the ***** ******* **** ** ** ******** ** **** ** **** *** **** ****** Asset ********* allows *** specialized ************* **** are beneficial ** *** ******* ** ** **** ******** ** *** the ***** as ********** ** ****** ********* ******** One *** ************ ** *** buying ****** is the *********** amount ** ***** required at *** start to ******** the ***** ****** *** ***** exposes *** ****** to ** obsolescence ********************* *********** shows ** ******** ****** ******* ****** and ******* ***** the company ** * ******* ** ** prudent to *** some ****** and ***** ****** ****** **** *** ****** ** *********** ** provide *** ******* **** an ***** ********* that **** ******* ********* *** ********* ******* ******* **** the ****** will ****** *** ******* to ****** *** ****** ***** ****** **** *** ********* ****** its ********* reachDepreciation ********** ***** main ************ methods ******* straight-line ************ double ********* ****** and *** **** ** ********** ****** Straight-line depreciation ******** ********** * fixed ************ ****** **** *** useful **** ** *** ***** **** *** ******** value ******** **** ************ *** * ***** ****** ** ****** ****** the ****** **** *** ***** ****** ** the ****** ************ ******** which **** a ***** percentage to charge ************ on *** ****** book ***** ** ** asset ****** depreciation ******* **** in *** ***** ***** *** **** in *** ***** ***** ** *** asset The **** of ********** ****** ******* ************ ***** ** asset usage More ************ ** ******* ** * ****** ** high ********** and **** ************ ** * ****** ** low ********** (Del ******* Manganelli ***** ** ***** **** * 216) *** **** ** ********** ********* profits in *** short *** ** **** ** the **** *** ***** ************ **** ** ******* based ** *** ****** production levels                 ReferencesBourjade S *** R ***** Muller-Vibes * ****** ******* and ************** ********* ******** **** *** airline ******** Transportation ******** **** ** ****** *** ******** ** ******** ******* * ********** B & ** ***** * ****** ************ ******* for ******** ****** In International ********** ** Computational ******* *** Its Applications *** ******** ******** ********* * * ***** ****** * * ****** Medical ********** ******* ** ****** In *** Complete ******** Guide *** * Successful Medical Practice (pp 133-148) ******** ****

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