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Discussion Question: Email - Right to Privacy?In your opinion, should emails sent from your work computer, using your employer's email account, during work hours be subject to the right of privacy? D

Discussion Question: Email - Right to Privacy?

  1. In your opinion, should emails sent from your work computer, using your employer's email account, during work hours be subject to the right of privacy?  Does your opinion change if the facts change, such as, what if it is from your work laptop, using your employer's email account, but it is from your home after working hours?  Why? 
  1. As the employer, why would you want to maintain control over the emails sent by your employees?
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***** to *************************************************************** ** ********** right to ******* in * **** ******* is * ***** ******* that ensures **** the ****** ** *********** *** **** is ********** There is urgency ** *** ***** and ******* ** ********* ** *** *********** **** emails sent **** *** work computer ***** an ********** ***** ******* ***** ** **** privacy ******* ** ******* *********** ******** strict ******** ** ********* *** **** **** ********* **** ** ******** **** ***** issues *** ** *** **** **** *** collapse ** other ***** business *** **** **** *********** *** ** *** ******* ** protecting **** The ***** ** privacy ** * *********** ******** ********** **** *** ******** ** the ******* ** ******** ******* ** **** ** ** the workstation is ******** ** ******** a high ***** of ********* by ******* *** ******* ** *** ******* This ****** **** ***** ******* *********** ** * ***** ** *** exploration (Otto 2016) ********* ******* ** **** ****** guarantee *** ***** ** privacy ** * *** ** *** ************** employee **** ***** *** company ***** **** enjoy the work ******* ******* to data privacy Emails containing ********* *********** should ** ********* **** ******* *** ***** malicious ********* *** ******** ******** when ***** company *********** should ****** **** ** **** *** ** *** workstation ***** 2016) **** in ** opinion emails that **** company information from **** *** employee *** ******** ******* should ** ******* ** privacy *** a ****** ******* ***************** ** ******* Employee ******** an ******** I ***** **** ** monitor *** employee ****** ** ********* ** ******** ********* *** mitigate ***** associated **** ******** ********** Sometimes the ********* ****** ******* ******* over ********** matters ***** at the ********* *** ********* *** ***** **** ** ***** time ******* ******* ****** ******* ** ************ ****** thus ******** their productivity ****** ** ** ******* to ******* ***** ****** to ensure **** ************ levels ** ******* *** ******** from ******* ******** **** ***** *** personal **************** ****** to monitor ********* ** prevent ****** and potential ********* ****** **** ********* **** **** ***** ** steal ********* **** from their ********** ***** ******* ***** ****** This information can **** ** ***** ****** for *** ******* ** ******** ** competitors Some ** *** *********** *** ** ************* ** *** company ***** ***** ****** ***** ** ***** these ****** employers ****** to ******* *** ******* of *** ******** emails ******* ****** *** monitoring employee ****** is to ******* potential ******** **** employee *********** *** common **** ** ********** ** sexual assault ** the ********* Some ******** *** *** ***** ****** to **** inappropriate ******** ** their ********** ** **** ******** ******* *** ******* ****** ** * ******* ****** **** such ****** the company **** be implicated *** face ***** fines Other forms ** ********** ******* ************ ********* threatening ******* ** even ********** others ******* emails ** ** ********* ******* for ********* to monitor employee ****** ** ******** *** **** ** legal ************************************* M ****** *** ***** to ******* ** employment: a comparative ******** Bloomsbury ************** * * & ****** J * ****** ********** surveillance ** ***** ** ******* analysis ************** & ******* ***** *************

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