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Do all no no Plagiarism 1.Discussion board 5 - Human development According to the American Kennel Club, dogs and cats are sexually mature and able to safely have puppies or kittens at around 6 months

Do all no no Plagiarism

1.Discussion board 5 - Human development

According to the American Kennel Club, dogs and cats are sexually mature and able to safely have puppies or kittens at around 6 months old. However, humans are typically unable to safely have children until 14 or 15 years old. What biological differences might explain this large gap in age of sexual maturity between dogs/cats and humans? Please write in full sentences and use proper grammar. Three sentences minimum.

2.Discussion board 6 - Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic motivation

The motivation and emotion unit discusses motivational theories, including intrinsic vs. extrinsic motivation. Describe a goal that you are trying to accomplish in life and then try to label it using this theory. Your goal could be something large or something very small, it is completely up to you. Make sure to also explain why you think it is intrinsic, extrinsic, or both.  Please write in full sentences and use proper grammar. Three sentences minimum.

3.After taking the following personality test, answer the questions based on what you have learned in your textbook and in your PowerPoint slides provided to you.

Step 1:Take the personality test at the link above (you don’t need to do the optional questions)

Step 2:Don't exit out of your personality test results! You will need to refer to them to answer questions.

Step 3:Answer the following questions in this quiz to receive a grade for assignment 3. For essay questions, answer each question in 3 sentences minimum. Sentences must be written in complete sentences and college-level writing is expected.  

1.Which dimension of the Big 5 refers to how socially outgoing a person is?





2.Mario has a personality that is perceived as being rather cold and unfriendly. He also seems to have very little social tact when interacting with others. According to the Big 5, Mario would be low on ____________.





3.Janet is very organized and punctual as well. Janet is said to be high on the dimension of _____________.





4.Christof is a person who loves to let his imagination run wild and enjoys variety. According to the Big 5, he would score high on the __________ dimension.





5.Alex is constantly worried about life and is very unstable emotionally. Psychologists would describe him as being highly __________.




6.What were the results of your personality test? Please summarize the results by detailing the numerical scores you received on each dimension and what phrases were used to describe your personality.

7.Please write 1 - 2 paragraphs reflecting upon the results of your personality test. Were the results accurate? Please explain why or why not they were accurate while citing real life examples. 

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* Discussion ***** * * Human ************** biological difference **** ******** *** ***** *** ** *** ** sexual maturity between ********* *** ****** ** *** ****** ** ******** ******* ** *** cortex ******* *** ****** **** **** ** **** **** than ***** ****** ******** ** their bodies *** number ** ******* ******* ** ***** ****** ***** them **** longer ** ****** compared ** dogs/cats The **** conical ******* ** animal has the ****** it ***** ** ****** *** function ** *** context in *** ***** brain is ** ******* the ************* and ************ ** *** **** It **** controls *** ******** *** ***** ** ******** and ******* ***** ***** our ************* behavior *********** ******** *** ******* what **** ****** **** ** our body *** ***** et ** 2021)2 ********** ***** * * Intrinsic ** ********* ******************* ********** ** doing ********* that ** ********** satisfying **** ***** while ********* ********** is doing ********* ******* ***** is a reward being given ** avoiding ********** My goal ** life is ** ****** a ********** **** **** ** both intrinsic *** ********* motivated **** ********* ********** ** ******* football ** * ******* *** *** ***** doing ** **** goal ** ********* ********** ******* ***** ** * ****** ** ******* football and ******** ******* ********* ********** ** built within a person ***** ********* motivation is ****** ** ******** ******* **** ****** ** ********** ****** ***** ******** 2019)3 Personality test1 ***** ********* ** *** *** 5 refers ** how ******** outgoing * ****** is?Extraversion2 ***** *** * personality **** ** ********* as ***** ****** **** and unfriendly ** **** ***** ** **** very little social **** **** interacting **** ****** ********* ** *** *** * ***** ***** be low **************** ***** ** **** organized and ******** as well Janet is said ** ** high on the dimension ******************** ******** ** * ****** *** ***** ** let *** imagination *** wild *** enjoys ******* ********* ** *** *** 5 ** ***** ***** **** ** ************ **** is constantly worried ***** **** *** ** **** ******** *********** ************* would ******** *** as being ****************** **** **** *** results ** **** *********** ***** ****** ********* *** ******* ** ********* *** ********* ****** you ******** ** each dimension *** what ******* **** **** ** ******** **** *********** The ******* ** ** *********** **** are **** * am ******** conventional **** a percentile ** 38 **** ********* *** *** ** ****** upon by * percentile ** 83 **** to *** **** **** * ****** ********* **** * ********** ** 34 ******* extremely ********* *** ********* with * ********** ** ** *** ** *** particularly **** nor ******* **** a percentile of *** ****** ***** * * * ********** reflecting upon the ******* of your *********** **** **** *** ******* ********* Please ******* *** ** why *** **** **** ******** ***** ****** real **** ******** ***** *********** **** ******* are true ******* ********* ** a ************** ****** who ***** ******* ********** in ***** In ****** * like ** books ***** and assignments to be ******* I *** **** ** ****** **** by **** ****** *** ** church I *** as *** ********* for *** youth ***** ********* * avoid engaging ** social ********** that involve **** people I **** ***** ******** in ****** ****** *** * remember *** *** * *** appointed ** ***** * ****** ***** ** ******* *** * ******** I ** **** *** **** **** at forgiving ****** ******* ********* * ***** ******* and ***** ***** I *** fail * **** * friend *** ******** ** ** ******* *** * ******* him ********** *** I have another *** *** ** ****** ******* **** because he ******** ** In ***** ** ******** ** ***** ******* am ******* ******* sometimes I ***** feel nervous *** other ***** * ***** ** **** and ********* ****************** ** ** ***************** ***** R * ******* * * ********************** S * ***** R * ****** * ******* * G & Murray J * (2021) *** ** sexual ******** *** ******* ********** **** neutering **** ** the UK *** *** ******** ** ***************** ****** ********** E * & ******** * ****** ********* and ********* *********** **** *** ********* and *********************** *********** ******************** S *********** * ******* H & ***** * ****** **************** *********** ***** *********** *** ********** of * ******* versionPsychological ************ *******

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