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DropBox for "Data Driven, Not Data Drowning' and "Code Red" Article Review LINK TO CODE RED AND DATA DRIVEN: https://www.mediafire.com/file/uqfgh4f4eigx66f/Code+Red-+The+Danger+of+Data-Driven+Inst
DropBox for "Data Driven, Not Data Drowning' and "Code Red" Article Review
LINK TO CODE RED AND DATA DRIVEN: https://www.mediafire.com/file/uqfgh4f4eigx66f/Code+Red-+The+Danger+of+Data-Driven+Instruction.pdf/file
LINK TO: DATA-DRIVEN, NOT DROWNING: https://www.mediafire.com/file/y0tbl23lh8mruuc/Data+Driven+not+Data+Drowning.pdf/file
After reading the articles provided, "Code Red" and "Data-Driven, Not Drowning," please write a one to one and a half (1 1/2) page paper answering the following specific questions: (Articles are found within the module as a separate link)
Using APA format, please address the following:
- Provide a brief summary of the information provided in the articles. You should have a brief paragraph for each article, and you need in-text citations.
- How does this information confirm or contradict your views about data-driven instruction from your experiences? This is your view, so you do not have to have an in-text citation unless you use information from either of the articles.
- With this information, how do you plan to look at data in the future and keep your staff moving in the right direction?
Please follow APA format, which includes a cover page, in-text citations, and a reference page.
Use this as a reference for "Data-Driven, Not Data Drowning." The reference information is found in the article "Code Red.":
In-text citation : (REL, n.d.)
"REL Mid Atlantic Regional Educational Laboratory, n.d., Research Review: Data-Driven Decision Making in Education Agencies. Data-Driven, not Data DrowningLinks to an external site.," Mathematica Policy Research ReportsLinks to an external site. 6db740da84444158b5cbf9df6, Mathematica Policy Research.