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DropBox for "Data Driven, Not Data Drowning' and "Code Red" Article Review LINK TO CODE RED AND DATA DRIVEN: https://www.mediafire.com/file/uqfgh4f4eigx66f/Code+Red-+The+Danger+of+Data-Driven+Inst

DropBox for "Data Driven, Not Data Drowning' and "Code Red" Article Review

LINK TO CODE RED AND DATA DRIVEN:   https://www.mediafire.com/file/uqfgh4f4eigx66f/Code+Red-+The+Danger+of+Data-Driven+Instruction.pdf/file

LINK TO: DATA-DRIVEN, NOT DROWNING: https://www.mediafire.com/file/y0tbl23lh8mruuc/Data+Driven+not+Data+Drowning.pdf/file

After reading the articles provided, "Code Red" and "Data-Driven, Not Drowning," please write a one to one and a half (1 1/2) page paper answering the following specific questions:  (Articles are found within the module as a separate link)

Using APA format, please address the following:

  1. Provide a brief summary of the information provided in the articles. You should have a brief paragraph for each article, and you need in-text citations.
  2. How does this information confirm or contradict your views about data-driven instruction from your experiences? This is your view, so you do not have to have an in-text citation unless you use information from either of the articles.
  3. With this information, how do you plan to look at data in the future and keep your staff moving in the right direction?

  Please follow APA format, which includes a cover page, in-text citations, and a reference page.

Use this as a reference for "Data-Driven, Not Data Drowning."  The reference information is found in the article "Code Red.":

In-text citation : (REL, n.d.)


"REL Mid Atlantic Regional Educational Laboratory, n.d., Research Review: Data-Driven Decision Making in Education Agencies. Data-Driven, not Data DrowningLinks to an external site.," Mathematica Policy Research ReportsLinks to an external site. 6db740da84444158b5cbf9df6, Mathematica Policy Research.

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