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Drug Addiction, Topic Proposal reference page help

The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with theopportunity to select a topic in the particular area in which you havean occupational or research interest, and to locate a minimum of tenscholarly references. A helpful Web site for organizing and writing aliterature review is www.wisc.edu/writing/Handbook/ReviewofLiterature.html.

You may also want to review the following documents that are available in the Doc Sharing area of the course:

  • A sample literature review,
  • a PowerPoint document illustrating how to set up your word processor for APA style
  • a “Guide for Writing a Literature Review”
  • a PowerPoint tips document

Topic Proposal

Write one to two paragraphs (a) summarizing the problem area (be specificin defining the problem), (b) describing what you already know aboutthe topic, and c) why you have chosen this topic for your literaturereview. The topic should apply psychological research to an individual,organizational, or social problem. Include a working title and theobjective of the paper.

Reference Page

Search for literature on your selected topic and create aReference Page containing at least 10 scholarly references. A good wayto begin searching for relevant literature is to search for key wordsrelated to your topic in a research database. Narrow your search toarticles in peer-reviewed journals. Another good idea is to check thelist of References at the end of an article to find other relevantwork. If you have any questions about this part, please feel free to setup an appointment with your instructor or ask the librarian. You willcreate a reference page for your literature review paper in anappropriate APA style. Your resources must come from scholarly,peer-reviewed journals or books. No Internet resources may be usedhere.

Click here to review the APA 6th Edition APA sample paper.

My topic will be drug addiction
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