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due this on sunady

Type: Individual Project

Unit:  Cytology Lab to Demonstrate Cell Differences

Due Date:  Tue, 1/22/17

Grading Type: Numeric

Points Possible:  200

Points Earned:  

Deliverable Length:  Completed Lab Worksheet

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Assignment Details

 Assignment Description

Student Instructions

For each assignment, you will complete the following steps:

  1. Click on Learning Materials to Access the M.U.S.E.
  2. Use the M.U.S.E. link to complete the lab for this Unit.
  3. Track your results in the lab worksheet that is provided.
  4. Complete a lab report using the scientific method.
  5. Submit your completed lab worksheet to the assignment box.

In this lab, you will observe diagrams that show the structure of plant and animal cells. Using the M.U.S.E. tutorial, the textbook, and virtual library resources, fill in the tables of the lab 2 worksheet.


This lab will familiarize you with the basic structures (e.g., organelles of animal and plant cells along with their functions in the cell). Click on the M.U.S.E. link to begin the Cytology Lab on Animal and Plant cell structure and function. As you progress through the M.U.S.E. tutorial, you will learn to recognize the various organelles of cells, and you will also learn their functions. Complete the lab 2 worksheet by identifying each organelle according to its number in the tutorial and also by describing its function as specified in the tutorial.

Your lab report this week will consist only of the completed lab 2 worksheet that contains table 1 on animal cells and table 2 on plant cells.

Please submit your completed assignment in your assignment box.

Grading CategoryCategory CriteriaPercentage and Points PossiblePurpose of Assignment and Content DevelopmentUse of appropriate, relevant, and compelling content that expresses topic, main idea, and purpose.

45% (90 of 200 points)

Organization, Grammar, and PresentationOrganized and complete lab report/worksheet with all relevant information as indicated and outlined on the worksheet.  Language clearly and effectively communicates ideas and content relevant to the assignment.

30% (60 of 200 points)

Critical ThinkingDemonstrates ability to analyze assumptions, evaluate evidence, complexities of issues, and alternatives.

20% (40 of 200 points)

Information Literacy and ResearchDemonstrates good selection and use of high quality, credible, and relevant sources to develop ideas that are appropriate to the assignment.  Includes correct in-text citations.

5%  (10 of 200 points)

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.
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