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Each student is required to complete a paper regarding some aspect of topics of Data Management, which will be addressed in this class. You will be selecting a topic associated with the textbook.

Each student is required to complete a paper regarding some aspect of topics of  Data Management, which will be addressed in this class. You will be selecting a topic associated with the textbook.

Due Dates:

  • Due Week 3 = Topic choice due. Submit electronic posting. This will help the instructor suggest narrowing or specific areas of the topic selected.
  • Due Week 5 = Submit 5-7 page research paper (regarding an aspect of data management)
    • Requirements:
      1. The paper must concentrate on a topic in the textbook.  The textbook must be used as one of the minimum three references for the paper. 
      2. APA  format should be followed in regard to the completion of this paper. It should be APA 6.0 format.
      3. Minimum three references used and identified in body of paper.
      4. Rubric will be provided for additional details on grading.
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