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EDITING WITHOUT CHANGING THE CONTENT I have wrote this paper but I want you to change the grammars and vocabulary choices At the bottom of the paper I have my work citation I want you to put it in A


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* am *** **** ********* in ** ***** * ********* **** ***** discernments *** ******** but will ****** **** for positives * **** **** ****** ** ******* time ******* * **** to ******** ** ********* *** ************* ********** I **** I **** gained ******* ******* over **** ******* * ***** **** ** ****** to *** ** questions *** one ** *** ******** ****** I **** ******* in **** ***** is **** not ******* *** *** ******* ** * temporary situation * **** often ********* ** take full ******* ** my **** *** I **** *********** ********** ******* but **** class has ****** me **** "Life ** like a ***** rafting *** ** ***** **** **** control" * **** begun to go with *** flow of things **** *** ****** ** ******* * **** **** ********* *** *** ***** *********** ****** church ******* *** influencers **** ** *** ******* * **** ** find the ***** ** **** universe *** my ******* ** **** *** ************* *** ********* ***** *** *** * have ******* that I have ***** ******** a ************ ****** This **** ** **** me ***** yet *** thing * **** ***** ********* is ** ask ****** ***** ********* and ******** ** **** ** **** a ******** **************** ** the *** ****** ** one's ******* *** ********* *** ** *** **** important ******* * **** from **** course is ************* *********** *** *** ** ********** ** *************** The **** factor ** *********** ** ************* **** to ask what ** *** *** **** ******** ****** *** solution Discernment ** * **** ** wisdom; understanding *********** ** understanding ****** and ***** * **** **** *** ***** * ** ***** There are **** ********* ** *********** we **** discussed ** ***** ***** ** ******** ************ **** *** Self-awareness ********** ********* ********* of listening freedom of heart and ********************** ***** practices **** allowed ** ** contemplate ******* ** ** **** *** realize ***** ** trust lies *** ***** is these ********* *** ******* ** **** ** * ** ********* * will **** making mistakes I **** ******* **** *** I **** *** them ***** *** practices *** **** *** * have **** ********** **** ******** without ******** * **** ******* ******* where in ** **** **** have ******** ********** ** **** ***** ****** I **** ** *** ****** ***** *** ******** I went through numerous ********* at a ***** *** yet *** ** my ******** traits ** ************ * **** **** a ***** ********* background My father was * ******* ** *** ******** **** force *** my ****** *** ******* ** * *********** ** ******* *** ** At * young age * didn't *** *** ****** ** ******** ********* ** *** *** of ** * ******* looking *** ***** ************* **** ***** **** ** ******* ** ********* *** career goals The **** ****** * ***** *** to ***** my ******** *** ** ****** ** cross *** ****** This *** the ******* ******** * **** ever **** ** *** age ** ** after ************ *********** **** * ******* ***** However life ** Egypt ****** ** **** ** * ******* Many **** ************** ******* my Christian ***** *** **** tone After ***** ***** I was ********* to **** ** *** ****** ****** as * ******* **** *** **** **** ***** * *** ** ***** *** *** ******** ********** ********* me ** **** with ****** parents * met at *** ****** ******* ******* ** ****** ******* **** ** extremely caring *** ****** family *** **** ******* mean ** **** ***** with **** **** ******** ** ****** family *** I had cultural and language ******** *** ***** ********* **** to create misunderstandings ******* us ***** ******** ****** ** ** adopt *** *********** and **** the most ** **** ******* ***** all **** ******** I managed ** **** wisely to ****** ** ********* and ****** ********** ** 2017 ***** ********** from high ****** * also ********* from *** ****** **** ****** ***** * started living ** my *** I *** ** **** ***** ***** ** ***** to *** *** ** ***** *** ** *** **** time * *** to take courses ** *** ********* ******* ** ******* my ****** ** ******** a computer science expert ** *** **** ** **** I began my journey ** ******* ********** ** *** ** undergraduate ****** ***** *********** at * young age has helped ** to **** ************** **** ** ******* ** ******* and my ****** ****** allow me ** ******* complex ***** ** ****** *** *** ******* ********* or ***** **** ****** It *** considered * taboo Therefore * **** ** accept ****** as **** **** and didn't **** ** *** ****** * could **** ** *** ***** * **** ** family *** migrated ** ***** I began ** **** ************** due to *** cultural *** ********* differences I *********** ** ************ *** led me to ********** myself more *** to gain ******* ** heart/imagination *** that *** *** ********** *** negative ******* I was too comfortable **** my ******* *** that led ** to ****** ******** with ****** and ** ******** ** ************ **** my ********* * ******** I *** ****** ***** I would ***** ****** *** being ************* ** ******* ******** me ** ** ********** ****** ****** * ****** understand ** much ** ******* of *********** was ********* *** that my ************ and ****** ********** were significant ***** reading **** books that Pope Shenouda ***** of ****** ******** regarding **** ministry *** ******* * ******** *** *************** of ******* *** spirituality ********* ***** ***** authors acknowledge **** ************ ******** ** ************ searching for ******* ** **** ********* peace individuality and ******** **** * ***** ***** ************ should *** affect ***** ******** choices ******* unconsciously I *** ********* my ********* for not ******** with ** at **** **** ** ** **** * described **** ** ************* *** not **** to new ***** * didn't find ***** ****** myself *** ******* ******* ****** * ****** **** ****** *** **** * believed ** be true *** *** **** ********* ***** others' choices "One ******** ends just to go ***** to *** next" ****** Luther **** ***** * ******** ** self-awareness and **** ******** ******* ******* ** ******* ***** * left ***** I began ** ******** my time ** ******* *** ***** *** ***** ***** ***** ********* ************ *** *** ********** afterlife ***** * *** ** **** * ***** * used ** ************ get **** ********* **** my ****** mother *** *** * ********* *********** ******** ******* *** ********* of *** ***** *** ******** **** *** ** persuade ** **** *** beliefs I found **** ** be ****** and not ********* **** **** * **** experienced ** Eritrea *** Egypt **** ********* ****** * have ****** ** ***** ** ****** ** ***** This kind ** *********** ******* allow ****** ** ****** ** ************ ***** * began ********* ****** **** my ********* ** Seattle * met a ****** ***** ****** *** ****** ** ** open ** conversation ********** *********** and *** *********** driven ****** *** I spent countless ***** talking about philosophy ******** ******** *** spirituality ** **** never ***** ** persuade *** ******** ******* ** a ******** ****** ** say **** ** ***** ** ** the truth ***** ****** was older **** ** he ***** ***** **** ***** ******* *** *** importance ** understanding ********** *** ******* topics For ******** ** **** ** frequently *** **** bible ** ****** translatable to ********* **** ** ******* wants to claim that *** ** * monster **** would ***** find verses that ***** ******* ***** ***** ** they ***** spend time ** understand *** ****** meaning ****** the ****** ***** ***** ago * ****** * **** ***** ******** passion ** a ****** *** **** *** * ******* ** Christ ** symbolize his ********** * ***** ***** * ***** *** ** she *** **** *** book; *** **** *** didn't **** ** *** *** *** ** **** **** *** ****** **** *** ***** ******* ******* ******** leg *** ******** curved *** how **** it **** him **** *** ( * ***** her ** she *** **** *** **** a month later *** *** **** no *** *** did **** ** *** ****** **** *** cover ******* ******* Christ's *** *** ******** bent *** *** ******* ** **** *** **** **** * didn't *** much *** * tried to contemplate *** point ** **** *** * found *** **** *** was ******** ** the ******** ***** I ******* her ** focus ** *** context ******* ** *** ******* ** ***** ****** ******* ** **** ***** *** ******** ** this moment * would **** ******* *** to ******** contemplating **** ******** *** pointed *** ******* ** ******* ** ********* and ******** alone *** Lord ****** ******* *** ******** ** ***** *** ** the ****** ******** prayer ** *** Contemplation would have ****** *** ** ***** ** the ******* and ** present **** ****** ****** **** I ** ***** right *** when I *** ** ********* ****** ******* up I was ****** *** **** ****** ** ****** leaders ******** ****** *** ******* ******* * felt they knew ********** Giving **** too much ****** *** ********* ********** **** *** has ******** ** because * ****** ****** to ** ******** Furthermore I was *** *********** ********* to ****** *** **** *** ******** or ****** members * didn't ****** that ***** recently **** * ***** ** ***** **** ***** ** life *** more * ***** ** contemplate and meditate *** **** my ***** **** ********** ** ****** ***** ** *** ***** ***** ********* ****** * ******* **** ** **** ** ****** ** *** history *** ** in *** same ***** ** the ***** ** **** *** ****** ******* ******* ******* to ****** ** *** ************* ****** **** not listening ** *** *** thoughts *** ******** ***** *** power ********** affected *** *********** of sensitive ******** ********* not listening to my ******** has ****** ** ********* ******* I **** ****** ************** decisions *** ******* * like ******* ****** *** ********* I **** myself ***** ******* ****** ******* * don't *** ** priorities ***** * ****** *** engaged ** ***** ***** *** ******** *** at *** end ** *** *** * lose ** boundaries Going hiking praying ** my **** and having * ******* ************* *** ****** ***** helped **** ******** ********* ** rough childhood *** ***** * deep ******* **** ******** my ************ **** my community *** ********* I ******* **** when * *** * ***** ************ **** my uncle *** ** a ********* activist He openly **** ** **** ** ******* **** me ******* * ********** ********* *** **** ********** ***** Additionally our ****** hated ** because ** ******* * was ***** ** ********* *** ******** ********** ***** **** * ****** ** involve ****** in *** church activities ** ***** *** * am ***** too far ***** * ******** **** * ***** ** **** ** own thoughts *** not **** ** ****** if they ****** **** ** **** *** * ** *** ***** to stop ******** ******* ******* * believe there ** ****** room *** improvement *** * ***** ********* **** **** but * ********* ** * ********* person ******** my ************ *** ********* *** * am always ******* while ************* ** ******** I **** **** practicing discernment ********* ******* ******* **** **** **** * ** ****** **** ****** *** ****** me to ***** **** ****** about ** ******** *** how * can ********* ******* hurting ** ******** *** **** ********* ***** I **** ** emphasize ** **** I have ******** *** **** practice *** I ***** ***** * ** ***** ** master **** because * am * *** *** ************ ***** ******** *** ***** ** correct my ***** as **** ** * *** **** *** ** I ** ***** ** **** * discernment ***** ** Ignition's ******** ***** ***** *** **** ********* ****** * ** ****** **** me ** the ******** ** ************* ** *** of that understanding I ** *** *** **** *** *** is running *** ***** *** * ***** **** **** control **** ********** * ** *** ***** to **** **** ********** *** ******** ******* * have ******* **** there is ****** **** ** ********** if I focus **** ** context ****** **** words ********************************* A * **** ***** Nursing Theory *** ******* Development or ******** ******* **************** ******* of Spirituality ******** L ****** Eyes ** *** **** To **** Published ** ***** *************** * ****** Selma ********* ************

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