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EDUCATION VIDEO REFLECTION ASSIGNMENT OVERVIEW The study of learning examines how individuals acquire and modify their knowledge, behaviors, skills, and beliefs. By understanding how learning occurs


OVERVIEWThe study of learning examines how individuals acquire and modify their knowledge, behaviors, skills, and beliefs. By understanding how learning occurs, exploring what motivates students to learn, and studying various learning theories, leaders can craft effective learning environments and teaching approaches based on the diverse needs of their learners. This assignment is designed to allow you to examine student-centered and constructivist approaches to learning in the context of a biblical worldview.

INSTRUCTIONS:1) Watch the Literacy Lesson First Grade video (video link below)2) Describe 3 different strategies the teacher used to facilitate student learning. Explain why each strategy was effective or ineffective. 3) If you were teaching this lesson what would you do differently? 4) Identify a scripture that aligns with the teaching strategies used in this lesson or your suggestions for improving the lesson. Explain why this scripture is relevant to your review of the lesson.

REQUIREMENTS:Write at least 100 words to describe and explain the effectiveness of each strategy. Write at least 100 words in response to question 3 and at least 100 words in response to question 4 above. At least one in-text citation from a course textbook and/or a scholarly journal article should be used to support the description/explanation of each strategy (at least one citation per strategy/explanation). At least one citation should be used to support the response to question/prompt 3 above. Responses must be written at a master's level, must follow current APA format and the assignment must include a title page and reference page.

Video Link:


Gutek, G. L. (2013). Philosophical, ideological, and theoretical perspectives on education (2nd ed.). Pearson.

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