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ell did your group work together? What difficulties, if any, did you face? How did you overcome? How did you and your members contribute to the group?...

How well did your group work together?

What difficulties, if any, did you face? How did you overcome?

How did you and your members contribute to the group?

Today my group and I had to construct a tower as high as possible using spaghetti sticks that could support a single marshmallow. We were also provided with some tape and a piece of string. My group worked fairly well together because each of us was responsible to do a certain aspect of the challenge which made us successful. I faced many difficulties in the process of this challenge. First, I had a disagreement with one of my group members about how the overall structure was going to look like. She wanted a triangular structure whereas I wanted to make it a rectangular structure. We overcame this problem by talking it out; stating pros and cons of each type of structure and therefore we came to an agreement that satisfied both of us. Another difficulty that I faced was the planning process of the tower. My group and I had to generate a plan that would keep the tower structurally secure which was difficult due to the fragile spaghetti sticks. Even though we were provided with tape, it was still difficult because the tape would not attach to the spaghetti sticks properly. We overcame this problem by using the piece of string instead since it was more durable than the tape. The final difficulty I was faced with was the pressure of the time limit and the competition. I had to abandon many structural ideas due to the limit of time. Although I overcame this by not getting stressed too much and doing the best I could. I felt many emotions throughout the process of this challenge including frustration and excitement at different stages. My group members and I all contributed to this challenge as it would be almost impossible for an individual to do this challenge on their own. One member supported the spaghetti stick while the other member secured it with string/tape. Even with the planning process it was good to have various ideas and thoughts from different individuals because it would improve and make the final structure even better and more successful. Ultimately, this challenge revealed lessons about teamwork, collaboration and helped individuals build on communication skills. It helped students come up with creative solutions to problems that came up during the process. Collaboration helps get everyone involved in the process so you can reach success faster.

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