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Empowering Employees for Success People Who Make Life Difficult – The Embellisher! - page 401Learning Objectives:At the end of this discussion you will be able to: Discuss the interaction between the

Empowering Employees for Success People Who Make Life Difficult – The Embellisher! - page 401Learning Objectives:At the end of this discussion you will be able to: 

  • Discuss the interaction between the supervisor and human resources.
  • Describe actions the supervisor should take to prepare for the selection process.
  • Identify what the supervisor can do to ensure the most qualified applicant is chosen.

Read the case study and discuss the following questions on the discussion board.

1. If you were Michele or one of the other coworkers who believe Chance got the job under false pretenses, what would you do? Why? 

2. You are Chance's immediate supervisor. HR discovered that Chance did cite a baccalaureate degree in accounting on his resume, and again when he filled out the company personal record sheets. What will you recommend as a course of action? Why? 

please see below an example

1. If you were Michele or one of the other coworkers who believe Chance got the job under false pretenses, what would you do? Why? 

If I was Michele or a coworker who believed Chance got the job under false pretenses, I would talk to Chance to understand how he got the job in the first place. I would also speak to someone in human resources hypothetically to see what options Chance would have. I would also tell Chance what I was told and hope that he tells the truth and is honest, for he is currently in school getting the job requirement and is doing well on the job already. I would want Chance to retain his source of income while attending school for expenses he may have during school he may need to pay.

2. You are Chance's immediate supervisor. HR discovered that Chance did cite a baccalaureate degree in accounting on his resume, and again when he filled out the company personal record sheets. What will you recommend as a course of action? Why? 

I would have a discussion with Chance to inform him of the newfound information. I would recommend Chance be fired because the department is dealing with money, and once trust is gone, it would not be able to come back so easily. The department needs individuals who are trustworthy and have integrity

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