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relationship of entrepreneurship and health professional

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************ study describes *** content of **************** education ** health care ********* and *** ***** of ******** methods that are **** **** ******** ***** entrepreneurship ****** **** **************** *** ********* ** **** countries ** ****** ******* *** there ** ******** **** ************* have **** * role ** ****** ****** **** ********* the ****** **** ************* **** ** ** ******** ** **** *** *************** skills ********* ** *** field ** ****** **** ** ***** ***** on traditional forms of ******** and **** not **** ****** attention to *** issue ** becoming ** entrepreneur The **** *** collected **** teachersvia ****** **** *** ******* ************ *** data **** ******** ************* *** the ********** questions **** analysed *** ******* ******** ************* *** ** the ******** *** taught ***** **************** The **** ******* ******** methods **** ******* visits *** cases ********* *** project **** *** ******* ***** **** ************ * ******* **************** ** general and ********* ****** *** ** *** teachers *** cooperated **** *** entrepreneurs or **** *** companies ** question ************* *** ** the ******** **** entrepreneurship into ************* often ** other ******* related to ***************** **************************** ** the ****** **** ****** ** *** * new ********** ******* ****** ***** War ** many nurses worked ** entrepreneurs After *** *** ****** ***** to **** ** ****** ******** ** **** ********* due ** ****** *** economic ******* Approximately 1% ** *** nurses **** as ************* *** * ***** ** ******* as ** entrepreneur ** ** or *** offers different ******* ******** ** private-sector ******** care ********* ******** *** ************** work ******* ****** ********* *** ******** ******* such as an economic crisis the *************** of ****** with ***** **** *** changes in *** health ***** ** the ********** and ********* **** ****** more ****** ** ****** ************* ****** *** last ******* ***** *** development scope ** practise *** ********** ** ***** ************* **** also ****** ** ******** ************** and policies implemented ** *** ******** regional *** ***** ****** **** *** ****** ** **************** ** *** ******** *** ******** ****** ***** it is relevant for any ****** who are in managerial ********* *** need ** understand changes ** *** organizational ************* ***** of ******** *********** ********* ***** entrepreneurship *** *************** ****** can ** ********* **** health **** staff ***** to ****** *** *** to do more **** ***** resources [4] Some ******* ******** that a lack ** ********** ** **************** ** * ***** ******* for ****** *** want ** ****** ************* ******* ***** entrepreneurs claim that **** ***** ********* ** ***** ** *** *********** ***** ** ******* ** does *** ******* **** with enough knowledge about **************** or ************ *** running * ******* [7–9] ********* * critical ********** ***** *** role ** education ** enhancing **************** ***** ****** ** ****** **** ***** ********* the issue by ********** **************** education ** *** ********* ******* polytechnics ***** ** a survey ********* among ******** ** *** ****** **** ***** ** ***** on *** ***** and ****** ** **************** ********* as well ** ** the ******* **** ******** use **** addressing *** ***** ** ***************** ************************** is ******** ************ ********* within the health **** ****** ** ******** ******* **** space *** *** ************* ** *** ***** ****** ******* quite * ****** ******** *** been done ** **************** ** *** ****** **** sector *** particularly on ********** ********* ** nursing ********* Previous ******* **** ********** * ****** ** obstacles **** *** hinder ****** from becoming ************* **** as * **** of ******** ********** *** skills ******** ********* *** ******** ******* *** a lack ** support **** their colleagues *** ******* ** general ******* ** ******** entrepreneurship in *** ****** care ****** ** **** dependent ** *** politics ******* ** ****** ****** **** ******** *** ******* ****** *********** ***** **** ******* indicate that * lack ** ********** ** **************** is a major ******* for ****** *** **** ** ****** ************* [16–8] Nurse ************* ***** **** **** ***** ********* ** based ** the *********** ***** ** ******* ** **** *** ******* them **** enough ********* ***** **************** ** ************ and ******* * ******* ******* ********* a critical ********** ***** the **** ** education in enhancing **************** ***** ****** ** ****** ******* ***** addresses *** ***** by ********** **************** ********* in ******* ************ *** ******** of Culture *** ********* ****** **** ** Finland ******** entrepreneurship ********* ** *** ****** of ********* It means ** *** ********* ***** *** in higher education the ********* *** ****** *** developed ******* ********* ************ ******** ** **************** ** *************** ******* *** ********** are **** realized in *********** with *** operational *********** ********* to the ********** *** for **************** ********* ** **** level ** education ***** ******** Commission 2008 [13])In entrepreneurship ******** ***** is ** ****** ****** *** **************** Even the ******* ** **************** ** ******** ambiguous; the ******** ** the ***** ******* ** several different themes **** ** **************** theory ***** ** ************* *** entrepreneurial ******* ************** forms *** ******** *********** *** ******** **** In **** ***** ** exploit a pragmatic ***************** ** entrepreneurship instead of * *********** one *** ******** Commission *** adopted a rather ***** ********** ** ********************************* ****** ** an ************** ability ** turn ideas **** ****** ** ******** ********** ********** and risk ****** as **** ** *** ******* ** **** and ****** ******** in order ** achieve objectives **** supports ******** ** day-to-day **** ** **** *** ** society makes ********* **** ***** ** *** ******* ** ***** **** and better **** ** ***** ************* *** provides a ********** for ************* ************ * ****** or ********** ******** ********* ********** 2006 **** * ******** ********** ** **************** *********** *** central ******* of entrepreneurship in * theoretical ***** **** ** ************ *********** exploring *********** *** exploiting ************* ****** ********** ******** ******** taking *** ******** risk and organizing *** ************ ********* ****** In ******** ** ************ **** **************** *** *********** ************ ** not *********** ***** the ******** of new ***** but *** **** **** ***** ****** existing organizations **** Shane *** Venkataraman 2000 ***** **** ****** ** ** *** concept ** **************** *** corporate **************** **** ** ***** ** ***** ** *** ******** ** developing new ******** *** strategic renewal within ** existing organisation ** ***** to ******* *** ************* and generate ******** ***** **** **************** ** defined **** ** entrepreneurship ****** an ******** ************ regardless ** **** ** ****** **** ** ***** **** ******** ***** ******** ******** *** ******** an innovative health **** or ******* practice *** *** ********** of **************** **** ****** *** ***** ** entrepreneurial ********* **** ******** ** and ******* * ******* to ******** in ** *************** manner ** *** ****** of ******* lifeThe ********* **** *** ********** ** **************** ********* ******* increasing *** ********* base ** ************ ********* to ********** entrepreneurship) ********* ***** *************** ********* *** ********* ** **** (learning *** ** ****** entrepreneurial ** ***** ******** *** ********* them **** *** ******** *** ** ****** *** competences *** ************ * new ******** ******* ** ******** an existing **** (learning to become ** ************* ****** *** ********** ** **************** education overlap ** least to **** ****** as ** increased understanding ** *** ********** ** **************** ** ****** to ********* *************** ******** ****** or ***** *************** *********** *** example ******* *** ********* objectives ** * ********** programme **** ************ in terms ** how **************** ** ****** ****** ******* entrepreneurship ********* *** ******** gain information ***** **************** *** *** **** ** ******* Learning ** ****** ** ************ involves teaching the ******** how to **** ************** *** ***** *** ******** ****** and life [222526] ******* ****** ******* *** ******* ****** ************** ***** *** ****** initiative ** **** ** showing ************** ****** ******** ** ****** ** ************ ******** ******** ***** the ****** related ** ******** ********* *** *** ******* of * ******* [26]The ******* ** **************** ********* depends ** the objectives ** *** ********* in question ***** **** *** ** ** **** *** target ***** ** *** **************** ********* [28] Berry ** ** (2014) **** suggest **** entrepreneurship programs ****** ***** ** functional ********* and ** *********** ****** ** ******* ******* **** address ********** design intellectual property *** ****** media ** **************** ********* *** ******** *** ******** methods ** ********** *** ** ***** ********** ******* ******** ***** **************** ******** **** arts *** ******** *** ********** ********* *** sciences (eg ******** ********** and ********** ******* [3031] ** ******** the ******** ******* and ******** ****** ** ** **** **** the ********** *** *** *** programme ****** ******* ***** on ******** ******** traditional ******** ******* **** ** ********* ******* the ******** literature and ******* ****** were *** **** ******* ******** methods ** ********** education ****************** is useful ** teach the ******** of **************** ***** *********** methods; ******* ** ** ********* *** students ** **** * ****** ************* ** ************ **** *********** ******* are used ****** ********* ******** ******* ****** and *** *************** *** social learning ******* ** emphasized ** **************** ********* *** ** *** ********** ***** ******* teaching ******** to run *** ****** (entrepreneurial) ************* as * ***** ** ** ******* necessary that **************** programmes establish a ***** relationship between ******* **** ******** *** ******** **** ***** the ********** * ********* ************* *** offers *** ******** ** *********** ** *********** themselves with ********* ***** of ********* and ************* in the ****** care ********* ******* ** *** ***** *** ** describe *** content ** entrepreneurship ********* ** the health **** ****** *** *** kinds ** teaching ******* that are **** ** ******** ******************* ********* ******** ********* **** set(1)What are the ********** *** *** ******* of entrepreneurship education in health **** ***************** kinds of ******** ******* are **** ** ******** **************** ** health **** **************** ** teachers cooperate **** entrepreneurs?3 Materials *** ********* **** ************* **** *** ********* via an ****** in ***** the **** to the questionnaire *** from ******** ******* in the ****** **** ***** ** ******** ****** *** ******* ************ ** **** **** In Finland there were at **** ****** ** ************ where *** ****** **** ********* ******** **** ******* *** questionnaire *** **** to *** *** ****** care ******** in ****** polytechnics; their ****** addresses were ******** **** the polytechnics ************* ** *** ***** ***** sending one ******** 111 ****** care ******** responded to the questionnaire yielding * ******** **** ** 23%32 *** **************** data was ********* ***** * ************* developed *** this ***** based on *** ******** ********** *** ************* ******** background ******* and ********* about **************** ******** *** *********** ******* teachers *** entrepreneurs *** background ******* included ****** ***** ******** ********* earlier ********** ** ** ******** ** an ********** ** ****** as ** ************ ******* *** ********* **** as ************* ******** ***** entrepreneurship *** earlier **************** ********* The teachers **** ***** whether **** ***** about entrepreneurship ** ***** *** or ** **** ***** ****** ************ ******* *** objectives ** **************** courses **** ***** via ** open-ended question to talk ***** *** most ******* ******** ** *** ****** ********** *** ******** ******* ******** **** ***** ** choose from * list ** ************ *** ***** ** teaching methods that **** **** used **** teaching ***** entrepreneurship The ******** **** **** asked using a ********** ****** ***** question ****** ****** quite ***** *** ****** *** ***** they **** **************** **** ************* ** ***** other ******** ********** *** *** ***** **** ********* **** entrepreneurs33 Data ************ analyses **** ********* ***** *** *********** program SPSS *** *********** ********** *** frequency ****** were used ** characterize *** ********* An *********** Samples-Test *** used ** ******* the **** ****** *** multigroup ********** ********* *** ****** were ******** ***** *** One-Way ***** technique *** ********** between background variables *** ********** ***** *** ******** using *********** chi-squared ***** ** ********** exact ***** ******** significance ****** ****** ********** ************* significant *** **** ***** ************ levels *** ******** Open-ended questions **** ******** ***** ******* ******** ****** ******* ****************** ***** *** *** ********* *********** *** **** **** **** collected **** *** ******** chosen ************ **** *** ***** ** ********** ** do *** ***** The ************ **** the teachers’ ****** ***** ** ***** ** names to ** *** ******** ********* ******** * link to *** questionnaire via ****** * ***** ****** ********** *** ***** *** ******** **** *** **** The ***** letter ********* that the ***** *** ******** voluntary *** ********* *** ******** programme **** not *********** *** names ** *********** *** returned ************* was ******** ** ******** consent to participate ** *** ****** ********* *************** ************ consisted ** *** ******** **** *** ****** **** ***** *** ******** ** *** ******** were ***** ***** *** ****** ********* ***** *** ******* **** ********** of *** teachers *** 11 years (ranging **** ** ** ** ****** **** **** half ** *** ******** ****** ** *** nursing ********* (58%) ********** percent of *** ******** ** *** ***** ********** ******* *** * company ****** percent ** ** the ******** *** ****** ** ************* **** ******** ***** *** **** ********* ******* ** ************* ** ******* it was * ****** ***** ** ****** ***** *** ****** ** ** entrepreneur *************** ************* *************** ** the ******** ()Approximately *** of ******** ** ******** **** ****** **** *** ******** * ****** about entrepreneurship ** ******* ** **** **** taught * course on ** ********** (Table1) **** **** **** ** ** those ******** have ****** about **************** as **** ** ***** *** ****** ********* *** ******** who *** worked ** * ******* ** ** ****** as ************* ** teach ***** **************** more ***** than the ****** **** ******** who **** ************ in enterprise education tend ** teach ***** **************** **** ***** than *** ****** ()Approximately *** ** the teachers ** ******** ****** entrepreneurship into ************* fairly often ** ***** **** ******** ***** ******* *** ******** with ***** experience ** entrepreneurs **** ** **** ************* more ***** **** *** other teachers ** **** ***** ******** *** *** ********** received **************** ********* **** ******** ******* the ************* ** entrepreneurship in ***** ***** ******* ** Fourteen ******* ** the teachers have ***** ***** entrepreneurship **** ************* in ***** ******** *************** ***** ***** of **************** consideration in teaching *** the *********** **** ************* ************ ********** *** ******* ** **************** ************ **** objectives of **************** ********* **** ** ***** ** ** *** a ******* ******* knowledge ***** **************** *** ***** ******** ** ****** **** entrepreneurial ** ***** outlook **** often *** objective was *** *** ******** ** learn ***** starting ** or ******* * ******* The ******* ******** of the course ********* ** starting ** ** running * company *********** a ******** **** or a ******** ***** **************** ** general and ********* The courses **** ******** information about *** ******* production work quality ********** and customer *********** *************** 3:Content *** objectives ** **************** ********* ** how many ***** the ******* *** **** ************ ******** Methods for **************** ************* ******** about **************** *** **** ******* teaching ****** *** company ****** *** **** ****** ***** popular teaching ******* **** ********* *** ******* **** The teaching ******* **** ******** **** *** ***** **** **** ************ *** essays **** did *** *** *********** ** all (Table4) Table 4:Teaching ********* *********** **** ****************** **** ** *** ****** **** teachers ******** cooperating **** ************* ** ********* fairly often ** often Those ******** *** *** ********** ****** as ************* () ** had ************ in entrepreneurship ********* () ********* more **** companies ****** ******* ** *** ******** had never ********** **** entrepreneurs or ********* ******** *** teachers ****** different ***** of *********** **** companies ** ************* (Table5) *** most ********* ***** ** cooperation included *** students’ ************ ** the ********* *********** ** ********* ******* *********** *** ****** *** ******* ****** **** of *** teachers ******** cooperating in ******* *********** ***** *********** ***** ******* health **** ******** *** ************** ************* ************ ** education policy ** EU ***** ** respond ** changing society One of the requirements is *** development ** *** *************** ********** ** ****** **** ********* *** these ****** *** ** acquired ******* ************ courses or ** training To ***** **************** ** ****** **** ********* ***** **** ******** should develop their knowledge ***** **************** and *** ** ***** ******* on our ***** less **** * quarter of *** ******** who ************ ** **** study **** **** ******** in teaching ***** **************** Entrepreneurship ******** activities *** positively ********** **** *********** ***** ********** with ***************** **** supports *** findings ** ***** *** O’Gorman [22] * ******* ** *** ****** care field must ** ************* ***** *** ********* ****** in ******* related to **************** ** health **** to be **** ** ******* ******** ** ******* ******* becoming entrepreneurs ********* ****** **** ******** **** ** ****** more ***** ** *** ************* *** entrepreneurship *** **** need ** ****** **** ********* in ******** ***** **************** ** health care so **** **** ***** ** motivated *** **** ** ******* *************** behaviour ***** ***** ******** *** **************** is *** deeply ******** in ********* courses; ****** ** ** *** *** **** **** ******* ** **************** programmes ** ******* ******* the ****** **** ******** *** ************ ** **** ***** **** to be ****** **** connected ** *** ******** ***** *** ** ************* **** have managed to ****** their students ** **** ******** *** ******* **** ******* *** ******* ******* ****** teaching cooperation *** ********* ******** ********* ** is interesting ** **** **** the ******** ** *** **** to ******* *** opportunities *** **************** ********* more ****** ** ***** ********* coursesA ******** ** the ******* ** the **************** courses ********** ** this study ******* ** ******** ** *** ******* * company ***** ******** **** **** ** ** willing ** ******* ***** students ** ******** ** act as entrepreneurs and/or businesspersons in ***** ****** ******* **** ***** ** ******* ***** ******** have acted as ************* *** *** *** how they ***** ***** ********** health care might ** ******** ********* **** those ******** *** **** *** been entrepreneursThe ******** *** participated in this ***** do *** **** ** ******* ***** enough *** ********* of learning to ****** entrepreneurial ****** than **** ** ************ ******* **************** *** ********* **************** that ** **************** ****** ** existing ************ [3536] might ** **** ****** ** *** ****** **** ****** ******* ****** *** ***** health **** ******* need ** ******* *************** ****** ** ***** to ** **** ** **** **** uncertainty *** also ******* ** ****** ****** ************* ** ********* ********** [5] *** reason *** ** **** *** ****** **** teachers **** kind ** action ********* in this ***** ********************** was ************ *** *** **** *** ********** **************** ***** be **************** for * ******* number ** students *** ***** ********* **** ******** entrepreneurship * ****** option *** ***** ****** ******* In ******** **** ***** *** pose *** **** ********** for *** ******* ****** ***** ** ***** ** ****** *** *** ******** ** ******* *** ***** about ********* entrepreneurial *************** is also ** important **** ** entrepreneurship ********* ** ***** a ********** *** entrepreneurship is being ********* to *** ******** **** *** teachers ** **** study *** **** * ******* ** ******* **** teaching about **************** ************ ******** *** not use *********** ** ***** teaching It *** ** due ** the **** that ******** **************** ** ***** *** ** ******* *** ** do *** **** *** ********** labs *** **************** ********* **** *********** *** teachers ******** ******* their ******** ** *** ******** world Traditional lecturing was **** ****** **** ** ******** ******** ******* ******* that ** is not **** to *** **** one particular method ***** be better than ***** methods **** ** *** ***** **** *********** teaching ******* are ******** to ********** inform ******** ***** *************** ********* and **** *********** ** **** **** a *********** ** “taste” *************** action ** ******** [37] Therefore ***** ***** ** ** * ******* ******* ********* ******* *** they need ** ******* the ****** audience and *** objectives ** *** entrepreneurship ********* ****** care ******** **** *** continuing ********* ********** *** ******** ******* ***** *** ****** ** ******** **************** ******** ** would ** ****** ** ******* *** ********** education ** *** ******* ***** *** ** ***** *************** ********* ******** **** ******** ***** ******* **** are ***** ** ******* **** **** ** ******* ****** ** expert ******** **** ********* ** **** ***** the teachers ******** that **** ********** ***** often with external ************* ** ********* *** ******** of ******** cooperate **** ************* and companies ** ***** ***** *** *** **** **** ****** **** ** *** ***** ***** **************** the *********** *** ** ***** ************ *** ************* can ******* *** ******** ******* ** *** ******** *** **** *** *********** development ** ** ******** **** **** though *** ******** ********* **** ************* **** ** *** **** **************** into consideration very ***** in ***** other ******** activites *** skills *** competence ********* *** entrepreneurship should be ********** with other ******** activities **** **** ******** ****** *** ********** ** ********** education **** ******* throughout *** ********** **** ** *** health **** ***** **** more ********* it ***** ** ** integrate ******** *************** skills **** ***** ******** ********** *** subjects51 ******** *** *********** of *** ******** ************* was piloted ** ***** ** ********** *** reliability ***** the ********** **** choices ** ******** **** ******** and made more ************** *** ******** ******** [38] was ******** *** * ******* ******* ***** was carried out ************* *** ***** ***** the ***** ******* *** ******* inquiry improved *** response rate but even then *** ***** ******** **** *** **** *** **** ******* *** generalizability ** the ***** However * *** ******** **** ** typical when ********** ******** via ****** **** The *** ******** **** *** ******** ** ** ********** of *** teachers’ general **** of ******** or * ******** ******** ******* **************** ******* these limitations *** ******* ** **** important *** ******* *** *** ******* *** been little ******* ********** ****** ************** the ******** **** ************** ** *** ************ of *** ****** **** ******* ********** ********** Finland; **** according to *** background ******* *** ******** *********** *** ******** ******* *** ****** care ******** ***** ************* ** *** ******* ** working **** *************** ****** *** ********* in *** ****** **** field ************ ** the ****** *** **** ****** ********* ********** in ****** care ****** *** **** ********* ** entrepreneurship ** the ********** **** a ******** of *** ******** in *** field of health **** ***** ***** **************** ** *** ****** **** ****** **** ******** ********* **** ************* and ********* ******** ** *** health care ***** ***** become **** ********** **** entrepreneurship ********* ** **** received **** ******** ** *** to teach ** In ********** *** teaching ******* **** ** ** ********** ** **************** ********* ** **** were *** **** more ******** would ******** use *********** teaching ******* **** often and ***** ** ***** more ************ ******** methods **** ****** ******** *** been **** ** **************** ** *** ****** **** ****** and particularly on enterprise education in nursing education Future ******* ****** clarify what **** ** ******** ******* ** ******** *** ********** education ** *** ****** **** ************* of InterestsThe ******* ******* **** there is ** ******** of ********* regarding *** *********** ** **** **************************** ** the ***** ****************** Providing ******* ******* *** ****** Switzerland ***** ****** ************ *** ******* in * *********** *************************** Nursing ****** *** 45 ** 2 ** 45–50 ******** ** *************** ** Google ************* at ******* ****** * Averis and * ***** ****** scope ** ******* practice nursing in ** ********** sample”Public ****** ******* vol ** no 5 ** 488–494 ******** ** *************** ** ****** Scholar·View at ******* ***** and S ****** ************ for **************** in *************** Education ***** vol ** no 2 ** ********* ******** ** *************** ** Google ************* ** ScopusDepartment ** ************* *** *** ******* ****** **************** ****** ********** Pathfinder ********** ********** ****** ****** ** 2010V ******* K Davis * Goodman ** ** ****************** nurses *** ******** ** *** ****** ******** ** *********** **************** ** ******** ******* *** ** no * ** ********* ******** at Publisher·View ** Google ************* ** ScopusB ****** G * ****** *** M Winchell 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