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environment study

Give your opinion about the positive and negative impacts photography has had on our lives. Do you agree with those presented in the lecture? What do you feel are the negative impact, if any?

2. List and briefly describe at least three of the major photographic advances mentioned in the lecture and what problems did they solve?

3. Explain the reason Eaweard Muybridge first began his motion photography project, who did he work with and what was the original reason for pursuing it?

4. Explain the process and setup Muybridge used to take his photographs capturing movement.

5.View the video link below. Pick an image that had a big impact on you, describe it and explain why you chose that image.

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****** ***** International Association ****** released *** **** ***** of the Cruise Industry ******* ********* global cruise ****** ** ********** to **** *** ****** ** * record pace


industry shows ** ***** ** ******* down with ** million ********** expected to sail ** **** * ******** increase **** ** million **** ** years ***** ****** ** **** ** ******* **** CLIA began tracking ********** ** 1980 CLIA also ******** Member ****** ***** *** ********* ** debut ** new ***** river *** ********* ships ** **** *** * total ********** ** **** than $65 ******* ** *** ocean ******* ***** Travel agents are **** ************ * ****** ****** *** ****** ****** Eight *** ** *** **** ****** ****** agents stated **** *** ********* ** ******** ** sales ** **** **** **** ***** *********


****** ** make ******** *** **** ******* vacation ********** ********* the industry is ********** ** evolve ** ****** ***** truly is a cruise for ***** ****** style and ************* said Cindy ************* **** ****** CEO “By creating ****** ***** *** experiences *** access ** destinations around *** ***** the evolution ****** *** value ** ****** travel ********* ** drive *** overall ****** ** *** **************** Cruising also


a *********** ******** ******** impact ******** Cruise ******** expenditures generated ***** ******* in total ****** ********* ********** ****** ********* equivalent ********* *** ****** **** ******* ** ****** ** ***** ********* *** ***


** ****** Industry ****** showcasing how *** ****** ******** *** transformed ** **** today’s travelers’ styles *** ************* **** of the *****



cruises are ******* ** popularity *********** *** ***** *** unique ****** ********** ** new ****** ********* **** ****** **** Members currently ****** *** river ****** ***** **** ** *** river ****** ***** on order *** 2016 ** increase ** **** **** ** percent **** ***** **** ************** ** 2015

***** were * total ** *** cruise ****** **** an ********** ** *** ***** ***** *** specialty ships ********* ** ***** ** ***** ** *** ********** **** ***** ago

****** ****** *** ****** ******* ** ** **** ***** the region is the ******* ******* ** *** cruise ******** ******* **** *** **** passenger ****** **** **** ****** ** ****** ** ******* passengers * ** percent ******** ****** ****** ***** *********** for * ************* ***** ****

********* to grow ******* Australia **** continues ** experience ****** growth ** fact ***************** ****** ******** ********* a ***** ********* in **** exceeding more **** *** ******* ********** in a calendar **** ** *** ***** ***************** ****** passengers **** grown more **** six-fold from * **** ** ****** in 2004 ****** ****************** *** ****** ******** *********

to ******** *** ********* ** ****** specialists ** **** ***** ****** decisions Today ***** are **** **** 30000 CLIA-Member ****** ****** globally ******** ** ***** ****** agents ** ***** ************ *** *************** *** ****** ********

has made consumers’ ****** to **** ********* ***** ********* * ******** **** ** today’s ******* ***** * ****** of ***** ******* ******* *** **** ******** A **** for *********** *** ******

*** ****** ****** continues ** rise ********* ****** lines are responding **** ******** *********** ********* ******** exclusive ***** gourmet ****** *** ******** ****** ******** Brands at ********** ****** ***** ***

********** the cross-promotional ****** ** brands ** appeal ** *** cruise travelers From *************** household ***** like **** and ** ***** to ******* ****** ****** like ****** *** ***** ******** ********* *** even dining options **** ****** Rockets *** ************** ****** *** ******* sail ** cruise lines ***** *** *** ****************** ***** ******

***** **** **** ********** * **** ** ************** ** get ** * desired *********** ***** *** many * cruise **** offers *** ********** of * destination Today’s ****** ***** ***** ************* ******* experiences *** ********* *** travelers **** ******** *********** *** designer ***** to zip ****** *** ****** cars **** *** Night– **** cruise lines

*** ******** ********* ***** at ********** ***** of **** ** **** cruisers ** opportunity ** ***** ******* ********** in *** experiences ********* at *** ************ ************* ****** ****************** Intergenerational cruising ***

****** * popular ********* for ****** ******** ** *** ****** ******** ** * lifetime With ****** ********* designed ** ******* every age from ******* to ******* ******* ******* *** ************ **** *** ************* **** ***** ***************** ****** ****** a success Cruise ******************* **** ************************** ******* ***

********* ** **** **** ******* ships ********* ********** to **** ***** ** **** around the world ***** service-oriented ******* offer * ********* opportunity ** **** * ********** difference ** *** communities ****** ships visit and a **** ********** to ******* and impact local ******** ********** ***************** ****** ***** *** **********

to customize cruise ships ***** upon ********* cultures **** shopping and ****** *********** vessels *** ***** ********* to serve ****** as **** as pay ****** ** ***** ***** ** call * ******* ******** *** makeup **



********** ********* of ****** ***** *** ***** ** ******


****** lines **** a dual ********** **** *** ****** ** the ************** ******** *** partly in *** ******* entertainment ******** a ******* **** ******* **** into the ***** ********** which have **** * **** ****** ** the ********** ******* *** * hospitality ***** ****** ** *** ********** of * ***** ******* ***** ****** ***** some *** ****** *********** ** the *********** ********* shipping ***** ***** as Cunard) while ****** **** ******* from *** ***** ************ *** ********* ************ *** ****** **** ******** *** **** ******** ***


*** ***** ******* *********** **** **** operating costs A ********** ******** ** ******** *** *** a company ** ********* jeopardy ****** ***** **** sold renovated ** ******* ***** ships to **** up **** ****** ****** *** cruise ***** ******* ***** ships ********* ** ***** a day seven **** * **** ** weeks * year A ship ***** ** *** ** service for ******* *********** ***** *** **** ** **** ** ******** of ******* ** *** *********** is *********** ** *** result *********** ** ********* ** ************ customers[18] * **** ** ******** *** consolidation ** *** 1990s ***


to **** ***** ******** **** as "brands" within ****** ************ **** ** * ****** ********** ******* ******** ******* ***** of cars ****** ***** partly ******* ** ****** ******** loyalty *** **** to offer ********* ****** ** ******* *** ******* *** ******** ******** Corporation **** **** Carnival ****** ***** whose former ***** **** ******* that *** * ********** ** "party *********** for younger travelers *** **** ****** ***** ****** *** ***** ********** and Holland America Line whose ***** ********* ** ***** ** ******* ******** ** **** ******** *********** had ****** ************ headquarters **** **** ** ******** Cruises ** ***** ******* California ** that ************** ********* *** ********** ******** ***** be ******** ****** ************ ******* ***** ** *** ******** ** a ********** ******* ************ regardless ** parent ******************** ****** *** ****** some independence ** **** when *** ************ **** moved ** ******** ***** ** Southampton[20] Some ****** ***** **** ************ *** ******* **** Cruises **** ******


over ** ***** *** ****** ***** ***** *** **** Clippers *** ******** ********** Barefoot Cruises *** ******** ******* only ******* **** ***** Regent ***** **** ******* ******** medium-sized vessels—smaller than the ********************* of Carnival and ***** Caribbean—designed **** **** 90% of ***** ****** *** balconies ******* ********* ***** offer **************** ************** ** **** ******* small ***** visiting ******* destinations such ** *** Arctic *** ********** ** *** **************** ******** ********* *** **** ******* ****** line operators ** *** ***** are ********


***** *** ***** ********* ******* *** **** ******* ****** **** 50% ** ********* Cruise ***** *** in its *** ***** ** *** ***** ******* ***** MSC ******* *** ***** ****** ***** ***** Cruises *** ******* ***** its ***** ******* purchasing ***** second- ** third-hand ***** while *** ***** four ********* **** ******* constructed their own ******* *** ******** *** *** majority ** *** "megaships" * **** are *** ******* ********* that ****** *** as country ** registry?


one ***** cruise ************** ************* Pride ** America—is ********** ** the ****** ******


** **** **** *************** **** of *** *** boats *** ******** ***** *** other ******* ********** include ****** ******* ***** Malta and *** *********** In **** ********* ** Cruise Lines ************* Association 90% ** ********** ******* ******* ** ** ports *** foreign flags **** ** **** ***** *** register ** *** ****** ******** CLIA ********* there *** reasons


**** ********* *********** *** many factors **** ********* ***** a


************* *** **** ****** *** ******** vessel—is ******* ***** determinations are **** ** ********** ****** ***** *** other **** operators ***** ** ******* factors including the capabilities ** *** **** ** deliver *** services needed; ************** *** ********** ** the **** in *** ************* shipping ********** *** *********** ** *** **** ***** ***** ******** *** * **** ** *********** ** port ******* *** **** ** seafarers **** to **** *** ***** ** the flag; *** *** ********** ************ *** taxes" the *********** **** ** e-mail **** *** ** viewed ** * ****** *********** ****** **** ******** ********** ** regulations have ****** cruise


** ***** ***** ***** ********* while ****** *** ***** corporations *** ******* ** ******* American ******* while ******** American ****** and consumer protection ***** **** ******** ********* **** multiple options **** ** comes ** ******** ***** rights ** ********* **** ***** with


**** *** can file ********** **** ******** organizations *** ***** ************ ******* ********** ******** and attorneys ******* *** **** ******** through *** ***** ****** ******* the ******* ************** "federal **************** limits **** ****** *** ***** *** ***** ************* ******** * headline **** * **** source within *** **** **** that ********* *** ****** ******** in * ********



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