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environmental science

Explain clearly why we need rain ? what are consequences of rainfall in atmosphere in world ? what are the factors for the rain cause in forests and how we need it ? describe importance of rain in geographical locations in entire wold? what is called as rain shadow effect in climate ? Which particles does form rain in air ? what is the speed of the droplets of rain in air ? how is acid rain created in nature who it is travel through clouds ? what happens when acid rain falls in buildings ?

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**** ** ****** ** a ****** ** ***** ***** ***** is essential *** *** survival ** humans ****** and ******* Rain ***** ******** ***** *** ****** maintaining *** ***** ** ****** ********* **** ********* ******* features **** ** ********** ******* ** *********** ******** fresh ***** ******* ************* **** ** replace *** lost water **** is ********* ******* it ******* the need for ************ ***** ****** *** ************ ********** *** **** ** minerals ****** the **** *** **** *** land ** *** *** ** ******** ** rain Rain is ****** to ******* agricultural processes **** ** ******* *** cattle *********** forms of ********** **** ****** on ***** water ***** ***** **** **** ****** ****** on rain to **** ******** **** **** ***** a **** in ******* the landscape *** ******** nutrients ** *** ************** that **** in *** ***** *** ******* ** **** ***** *** ********* on **** ********* ****** ** fresh ***** *** survival **** is *** ***** ** which ***** water ** ******** **** ** ********** ***** ****** ****** *** **** Without **** ***** ***** be ** ***** ***** ********* and **** would **** evolved ** * different mannerHumans ****** on fresh water *** ******** ***** it is ******** ** ****** salt **** ***** ***** through * process ****** ************** ** ** expensive and *** **** of ************ water ****** ** ************* ****** **** fills ******** and ** keeps rivers and ***** filled Forms ** **** that ****** ** ****** would *** **** evolved ******* ******** *** * ****** ** ******* ** *** *********** **** canyons *** ***** natural ******** were ****** ** ********* ******* ******** The Grand ****** *** ******* ** a ***** which *** ****** ** ******** **** ******* ** **** ** *** ***** ****** on ******** that flow **** *** **** ** *** *** ******* ********* they ***** not ** **** ** ********** **** ****** ****** ****** as **** ***** air ***** ******* **** ********** ** **** and ***** its ***** ***** *** *** **** ******* * region ** *** *** side ** the ******** range that is ********** deficient ** ************* ** *** ***** of ******* a *********** ********* air over ***** bodies ** ***** ***** to be dense **** *** ***** ********* *** moves ****** ***** *** surface of the ***** ** ***** are **** few ********* to *** ******* ** ******** **** ************** *** *** ********* travel ******** ** even ********* of miles across ********** **** ******* ********** *** ******** ** it ****** ****** where *** ******* elevation rises ******* however ** ** *** ******** *** the ocean *** to pass **** the **** ******* ****** ***** *** ***** ** *** ********* ** ** **** ** *** *** ******* *** ******* less dense Expanding ***** **** ** **** ** *** *********** ** *** *** **** ***** ******* with ****** ******** **** ******** *** is very **** ** ********* water ***** so *** water ** *** *** ***** to *********** *** ***** *** windward slope ** *** ********* ** *** **** the *** rises high ****** ** ***** *** ********* ** has **** most or all ** *** ***** and cannot irrigate *** ******* ***** ** the **** shadow area ****** ** the ********* ** **** **** water ***** in *** *** condenses *** *** ***** ******** become too heavy *** **** rain ***** **** * **** of *** ***** to saturation ***** ** ***** ** ************ ** *** ***** ***** ***** ***** ******** ** ***** ******** and ****** ***** ******** The *** is ****** ****** **** **** ***** ** ***** ***** ******* **** air ******** **** ***** than cool *** and **** ** *** *** *** ** more humid during warmer months **** **** air ***** the ***** ******** **** ********* **** ***** water ******** ** **** which ** *** reason *** rain occurs ********** ** *********** areas Clouds form once *** *** ***** ****** ** ***** dropletsWater ******** and ******** form cluster clouds After **** **** **** ***** is ***** ** *** ******** and crystals **** ***** ***** ******** ****** heavy enough **** **** **** ** raindrops due to gravity At ***** **** air ****** *** ******** to ****** ***** frozen **** *** **** ****** to **** as **** ***** ** snowTypically **** occurs ** * ****** ** * ******* * ****** ******* **** **** ***** **** ***** for * short ****** ***** * ******* happens when **** ***** **** falls *** hours ********* generally fall at * ***** ** * to ** mph ***** **** ***** **** **** ******** **** **** grass ******* *** **** ************* **** ****** **** ****** dioxide *** ******** ****** are ******** **** the *** where **** rise and *** **** water ****** *** other chemicals Sulfur ******* and ******** ****** ******** **** ****** in water *** *** travel ***** distances ** ******* with the ******** ** *** air ****** *** *** **** ***** of acid rain ********* ** *** *** ******* **** different ********* *** released **** *** *** ** * ****** ** ******* ****** fuels ******* from **** and *** use ** ******* **** Natural rain is ******** ****** *** ***** activities **** it ***** Acid **** can ***** ****** to ***** ***** ****** ******* *** *****

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