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ESSAY - MICROBIOLOGY (SUPER IMPORTANT FOR ME) DIRECTION/ ESSAY TOPIC: What is antimicrobial resistance? Illustrate with at least 3 different pathogens (e.g. MRSA, MDR-TB, etc.) that are currently sho
What is antimicrobial resistance? Illustrate with at least 3 different pathogens (e.g. MRSA, MDR-TB, etc.) that are currently showing high level of resistance to the antimicrobial therapies. What human practices/behaviors are leading to increase in antimicrobial resistance and what can we do to alleviate the problem?
The essay will be graded based on overall impression. I expect a good essay to be about 1000 words (2 pages, single spacing). Content will count for 70/100 and 30/100 will be awarded based on presentation (style, phrasing, organization, originality, clear sentence structures, grammar, spellings, etc.) For instance, a good essay should contain an introduction, clear paragraph divisions, some of your own opinion and discussion of the situation, a conclusion at the end, and correct citations of references. Try to cite at least 5 reference sources for your essay (a real review paper would probably contain at least 30 references). Please try to cite peer-review journal sources whenever possible.
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********************* ***************** NameCourse ***** and ************** NameDue *************************************** ********************** ************* ********** *** ****** ** * ***** ****** health ***** ** the ************ ******* ************ effective prevention *** treatment **** hazard ** ******* ** scope ** * ****** ** *** **** ******* ** ********** ******** ** bacteria ********* ******* and ***** that are no ****** ********* ** *** ******** **** antibiotics *** ********* results ** ****** disease ******* hospitalizations *** ********* healthcare ***** ****** **** *** ****** *** **** * *** of *** *** ******* **** *** ******* public ******* ***** **** ********* ** ******** ** **** **** introduced *** to negligent ********** usage ********* ************ antibiotic *** ********* ****** *** domestication ** ******* ******* ********* ********** ******* ******** ********* to ********** **** the *** of ********** ****** and solely prescription *********** will *** ********** ** ********* *** *** ****************** resistance (AMR) occurs **** ************** ******* ********** ** * ********** ******** **** ****** ** *** of the ********** resistance diseases **** the ***** ****** ************ ********** *** prioritized in ******** 2017 *** Oliveira ** al 2020) ************ faecium staphylococcus aureus *** ********** pneumonia *** ***** *** ********* ******** ** * ****** ** genetic ******** *** *** *********** ** a ****** genetic ******* ****** ********** **** developed ********** ********** ** ************** ************ ********** fluoroquinolones *** other *********** used as * last **** ** ******* *** Oliveira et ** ***** ******** resistance ** ***************** ** uncommon ** *** ******** **** ********** ** * ********* ** antibiotics **** *** resistant ** *** ESKAPE ********* The ************* of this ********** resistance has increased the ************** ** ******** **** * ********* ** ********* ** ***************** infections *** ******** ** al ***** ************ ******* ** one ** *** ****** pathogens resistant ** *** ********** Vancomycin *** to its resistance ** ********** this ******** ** ************ ********* ********************* illnesses *** **************** lineage *** ******** et ** ***** ************ ******** ********** developed in *** waves *** ***** ********** ** the 1980s ** *** United ****** *** ********** to *** **** ** ********** *** ampicillin-resistant Enterococcus ******** (De ******** et ** ***** The second **** ***** ** *** ****** States *** ****** ********** the ***** Multilocus sequence ***** (ST) ** ******************** * ******* ******* ********* ** ****** complex ** ****** are ********* ******** to have * ************ ****** ** hospital-acquired ********* *** Oliveira ** ** ***** *** *** microbiome ** wild and ************ ******* has **** discovered ** * source ** **** strains ***** **** **** ****** ** *** ********* in ****** **** *** ****************************** ************** aureaus(MRSA) ** ******* ********* **** *** ******** public ****** ******** **** *** **** ****** to **** ********* ******** ************ *********** ********* *** ***** ****** ******** ********* et al 2020) * ******* causes * ******* ** ******** ** ****** *** ******* *** is ********* ** ******* ******* environmental ********** ********* ******** *** *********** **** *** ******** **** ******** the ***** **** ****** ********* *** internal ****** **** *** ***** ****** sicknesses **** ** **** ********** **** and *********** ***** infection ********* et al ***** Staphylococcus ****** is * ************* spherical-shaped ******* that ** ********** **** *** ******* spores *** ******* strains *** *************** The ****** ********* **** *** ******** *** created ** releasing ************ enzymes ***** ******** ** methicillin ********** ********* ** ** 2020) ********** *********** ********** *** ** ******** *** PCR-based ************** of Meca ***** ** ******** to ********* resistanceMultiple ************** tuberculosis (MDR-TB) ** ******* *** ********* **** ****** ******** concern ******* medications used ** ***** ************* ** infection such ** ********** ********* ************ and ethambutol *** ******** *********** *** ** **** ********* (Hashemian et ** 2018) MDR-TB demonstrates resistance ** two highly effective ********* ********* (INH) *** rifampicin (RIF) *** ** *** substantial ****** ****** posed by *** ********* ****** ** ************* ************ innovative ********* ******* *** ******** to combat *** ******* ******** ** ******************** tuberculosis M-tuberculosis is caused ** *********** **** ********* ********* & ******** 2019) *** example *************** ********** ** isoniazid *** **** ****** ** ********* *** ******* ********* ** *** ******************* ****** *** **** genesAntimicrobial ********** ** ***** ********* *** to ***** ******** ********* such as ********** ****** *** ******* *** over-the-counter purchase of *********** ** ******** *** ************** of ********* that ** not ****** ******* *********** ********* AMR's ****** (Dadgostar 2019) Thus unchecked ******* of *********** *** ******* ********* without a ************ **** a ********* ************ ******* a ********* ** ***** **** *** ******* ********** to *** ********** ********* it ineffective ****** ************* ******* ****** **** *********** to *** ****** ** **** disease *** ******** *** ***** ********** that the ***** *** microbiome ** **** and ************ ******* ******** CC17 ******* ******* ** VREfm ** Europe **** *** ********* *********** ********* **** ********** ** *********** ******* and **** ***** contribute ** the ****** ****** ** antibiotic resistance (Dadgostar ***** ********* *** be ******* to ********* infections *** ****** ** ***** **** ******* ********* and diseased For ******** ********* who ******* India *** had ** ******* **** *** Indian ****** **** system **** ******** for *********************** ****************** ***** **** ***** return ********** ***** Increased ************ antibiotic *** is a *********** ****** ** ***** ************* ********** The ******* cannot ** entirely ******* ** ******* *** pathogens *** caused ** ******* ****** particularly ******* deletion ******* ***** physician advice and ************ will ********* **** ** **** antibiotics ********** *********** ****** ******* from ***** antibiotics ****** **** are ***** necessary Increased ******* of antibiotics **** **** *** ******* will **** ******* ********* ****** ** substandard *********** (Boolchandani ** ** ***** Individual adherence ** ****** **** providers' *************** *** ********** *** **** significantly prevent the ****** ** ********** resistance ********* ***** ********* ********* of proper ********** ***** ********** resistance *** *** dangers ** ********** ****** will aid ** *** ***** ******* ********** resistance *** ************* ******** owner ****** ******** ************* *********** under ********** *********** and vaccinating *** ****** ** ******** *** need *** *********** and ******* alternative ********************* Antimicrobial resistance ** ******** ** increasingly ****** danger *** ** *** wide ******* ** infections ****** ** ******** ********* ******* *** ***** **** *** ** ****** ********* ** the ******** **** antibiotics ****** MDR-BT *** **** *** *** examples of *** ********* ****** public ****** ******** Enterococcus ******* is *** ** *** ****** ******** ******* by * ************ ******** *** ********** ********* CC17 strains **** ** ****** ** *** ******* of penicillin ******* ***** ******* ** methicillin ********** ******* point ********* in *********** genes cause ************** **** ** ********* ** vancomycin ******* ***** *** ****** ******** ** resistant ** isoniazid (INH) and ********** (RIF) **** ********** ** ****** by ***** behavior ***** ******** ********* antibiotic usage *** illnesses *** ********** ** * ********* ********** *** ** ************ ******** *** ************* ** ******* without regard *** veterinarian *************** *** ******* *** ** ******** by prescribing antibiotics **** when necessary to ***** *** animals ************* ********** ********* *** ********* ******** **** to ******* the sale ** *********** ********************************************************************* A * ***** * * Elkelish * ********** * Hozzein * * Batiha * E ** ****** * & ****** * A ****** ********************* ************** aureus (MRSA): *** ****** Perspective ******** ** *** ********* Epidemiology Virulence Factors ********************* and ******** Impact ********* *** **** ********** ** *********** ******************************************** * ******* * W ***** Dantas * (2019) **************** methods and ********* to ***** ************* ********** Nature reviews ******** ***** ********* ************************************************ P ****** Antimicrobial *********** ************ and Costs ********* *** **** ********** ** 3903–3910 ********************************** Oliveira * ***** * * **** * J Harris * ******** M * Beatson * A ******** * * ***** ****** * * ****** ************* ********** ** ESKAPE ********* Clinical microbiology reviews ***** e00181-19 https://doiorg/101128/CMR00181-19Hashemian S ******* T ***** ********** M ****** Linezolid: a review ** *** ********** ******** and *** ** ******** care **** ****** *********** *** ******* 12 1759–1767 ***************************************** * ***** Niranjan * (2019) ************** ** ************* ************ ** *** *** ******** and ************** ** ********* MutationPattern of **** Resistance ************** ***** 261–268 ********************************************** * ******** P ***** Pantosti * (2015) ************* resistance: * global ************ ********** Pathogens *** ****** health109(7) 309–318 *********************************************