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Essay & Annotated Bibliography

                                                Annotated Bibliography

Pace, J. E., Siberry, G. K., Hazra, R., & Kapogiannis, B. G. (2013). Preexposure Prophylaxis for Adolescents and Young Adults at Risk for HIV Infection: Is an Ounce of Prevention Worth a Pound of Cure? Clinical Infectious Diseases, 56(8), 1149-1155.


As the semester comes to a close, it is time to reflect on the course, your work, your learning and your growth. You will be writing an essay about these items.  Before you begin, think about the following…?

  • What did you hope to gain from choosing the grant you chose? (9) 9
  • Would you choose the same grant again, why/why not? (6)4-not supported with why you chose it.
  • What are the three most significant items you learned while in this class.  At least one of them must be about technical writing. (9) 9
  • What would be your recommendations to future students who take HLTH 315? (6 )
    • need more details 4-some not clear how what you are saying is recommendations?

Now begin your essay that covers these questions. Your essay should have an introduction, body and summary.  It should be well organized and demonstrate proper grammar and spelling. 

The scoring criteria include…

                Organization-Introduction, body, summary  (10 points) there is no intro or summary of the paper 3—just the topic

                T, A, S (thoroughly, accurately, succinctly) answers the questions. (30 points)26

                Spelling/Grammar  (up to 10 points - you lose one point for each error over one-up to 10 points).  0


Grant writing is the one type of writing that requires lots of skill and creativity. Proper planning should be the first thing that is put into consideration when writing a grant. A good grant requires that careful preparation is made including, being sensitive to the population that is involved and the ability to answer some key questions pertaining to the grant. Before starting the writing, proper homework should be done in order to understand the objectives of the grant and prepare well to address them. introduction to your paper?

I chose this grant because; one, I need to have a better understanding of HIV which is among the major viruses/diseases that have no cure and is a menace in current society. It is a viral disease that is caused by many factors including; having sexual contact with an infected individual, from body fluids such as blood transfusion from an infected person, and mother to child transmission, for a case where the mother is infected among many other ways. The most significant part is the prevention of the disease by practicing safe sex and screening of blood. First, I hoped to understand the feeling of HIV positive patients better. The stigma around HIV positive patients is the one thing that is still holding back the progress made in the fight against HIV. HIV positive patients feel alienated and worse left behind in the society. this is not relevant to this paper.

I would choose the same grant all over again. This is because the data available are many with many sources that enable me to get variety of information about HIV. This also enables me to have a wide range of information and understanding. In addition, there are many numerical and dates that must at all times correspond with each other. This way, I am forced to critically look into my writing and ensure that it is of good quality.

Transition? The three things that I have learned in this class include; one, how to write a grant paper. I am now able to follow all the contents that need to be included in a grant paper. Better still, I am now able to follow all the requirements at ease with no struggles. Secondly, is about technical writing where I have the ability to write a grant with no emotions. This has helped me avoid beating around the bush and going straight to the point. This way I avoid using so many unnecessary words and make my work readable and easy to understand. Lastly, I have learned to perfect my work, which it helps me prevent a situation where a reader tries to figure out what I have written. My work also observes correct spelling and grammar hence the leader gets a clear meaning of words. 

My recommendations for the future students is for them to be ready to good grant writers, with the aim of gaining technical writing skills that would help.  This would involve writing clearly, consciously and precisely, having the natural curiosity that explores things that are technical and learning how they work. It should also have the support visuals <what visuals did we use? that would help enhance the written work. Furthermore, they should be proficient enough in using computer applications that help in creating quality writing such as miss spelled word. Finally, they should have the art of being patient and persistent in what they get to write. This would the students in other classes and in their field of study.

In summary, grant writing is one skill that requires a lot of patience and proper preparation into ensuring that the writing is done so well. Understanding the theme of the writing is the one thing that guarantees one to produce quality work. The grant on HIV clearly explains on some of the causes of the virus and the best way one can prevent him/herself from getting the infection. The reasons for choosing the grant well explained, with its broad and endless information available in most journals and writings. The significance of the class is also well highlighted including what I thing would be of benefit to student who will be taking the class after me. The major significance being the skills gained in ensuring that a good and accepted grant is writtenSS.  The summary is better than the intro b/c it summarizes the paper, the intro doesn’t do that.

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