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essay help 2

 Compare and/or contrast the grandmother in "A Good Man Is Hard to Find" and Mathilde in "The Necklace,"  paying particular attention to theme as well as setting and/or characterization,and make an argument about the pitfalls of pride.

. In brief, "an essay in comparison and contrast shows how two works are similar to and different from each other" (Abcarian and Klotz 57).

For this particular essay, you must demonstrate your understanding of characterization, setting, and/or theme, which we will also cover in this unit.

Your essay must be between 750-1000 words and adhere to MLA formatting. It needs to quote directly from your chosen text(s) for support, but it should not use any secondary research.

Keep in mind that the comparison/contrast essay should not just summarize the story or stories, nor should it just state how two things are alike and/or different: the essay should move beyond that and also present an original opinion or argument based on those similarities/differences, as you see them.

The “Excellent/A” paper likely:

  • Uses a sophisticated title. Stories and authors (or story and movie) are properly introduced. The introduction paragraph provides an excellent overview of the two works  and their themes, and there is a concise thesis that sets up a comparison and contrast purpose but more importantly also addresses how characterization and/or setting contribute to the theme and otherwise presents an argument (in connection to the specific chosen prompt). The essay as a whole demonstrates an excellent understanding of the two works and their elements.
  • Is organized logically and effectively. The paper effectively uses either subject-by-subject organization or point-by-point organization consistently throughout. Each paragraph focuses on a single idea and makes use of a stated, concise topic sentence (or the topic is gracefully implied). The essay is organized logically in a way that best serves the thesis. Sophisticated transitions are used to show connections between paragraphs.
  • Develops body paragraphs with an interesting and original response to the prompt (both in length and in depth). A large portion of each paragraph is devoted to the writer's own opinion and evaluation. Evidence for the writer's opinion has been provided by using effective and appropriate quotations throughout. As a whole, the body paragraphs demonstrate a superior level of understanding of the two works and their elements (characterization, setting, and/or theme), offering detailed explanations in sophisticated and interesting terms. The comparison and contrast is deep and pays careful attention to how the elements are used in both pieces. The essay goes beyond merely comparing and contrasting and presents a convincing argument of some sort.
  • Includes a conclusion that offers a sophisticated final evaluation of the main points of the argument and leaves the reader with a final impression and a solid understanding of the two works and their themes. Connections are made between the texts and other texts, the self, and the world.
  • Shows a complete understanding of MLA documentation. Quotations are almost always properly integrated into the paper. Parenthetical references almost always refer to correct page numbers and are properly punctuated. A corresponding Works Cited page is included that properly cites both works. The overall formatting of the document adheres to MLA style. 
  • Uses appropriate academic tone.
  • Meets or exceeds the length requirements.
  • Has been carefully edited and proofread. It is likely to be flawless or near flawless. There are either no errors in grammar/mechanics or few errors exist, ones that are so minor that they do not distract the reader.
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