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EULAs: The least read or understood contractsEULAs: The least read or understood contractsInitial PostHave you ever read the entire EULA before clicking “agree” or “accept,” or otherwise entering i

EULAs: The least read or understood contractsEULAs: 

The least read or understood contractsInitial PostHave you ever read the entire EULA before clicking “agree” or “accept,” or otherwise entering into the contract that it is? It’s unlikely that anyone always reads them in full. Even if you do, which you should, it is almost a certainty that you do not fully understand the terms, language, and its legal implications.By Wednesday’s end, identify one EULA that you have entered into. We are each parties to many of them, whether from an application, mobile app, software or hardware (printers, for example, include EULAs). In your Initial Post, describe the EULA or provide a link to it (many are quite long, so copy-paste may burden the Discussion), making sure that others can access it for review. Discuss at least two terms or clauses in the contract that are vague, and give at least two possible interpretations of each. How might the interpretations favor the manufacturer/vendor/owner of the product or service covered under the EULA? How might they favor you as the consumer?Responsive Posts

As always, before Sunday’s end respond to at least two other students’ Initial Post. You might discuss how to draft a more understandable EULA. Maybe you discuss similarities or differences between theirs and the one you used. You might do some cursory research to see how well their EULAs held up, if contested in the legal arena, or if they are critiqued in the press. Simply put, read and understand the Initial Posts, and apply critical thought and analysis to help everyone better understand these often cryptic, yet legally binding, contracts.

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