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Evaluating an SAP After a Disaster When disaster strikes, an organization can deteriorate into chaos very quickly.

Evaluating an SAP After a Disaster

When disaster strikes, an organization can deteriorate into chaos very quickly. Whether it’s a natural disaster like an earthquake or a man-made disaster such as a system security breach, how well your organization will respond is absolutely dependent on your employees. If your organization has provided effective training, your company’s personnel can take well-timed steps to curtail negative impact, get systems back on-line, and have your organization back to normal quickly. If they have little training, or the training is poorly planned, things can go from bad to worse in the blink of an eye.   Consider the following scenario. Advanced Topologies has been beset by another security breach, but this one has had disastrous results. The company’s website has been hit by a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack. It took the organization’s IT personnel 2 full days to rectify the situation. Advanced Topologies has contacted you to assist in the aftermath of the disaster.

For this Discussion, you will analyze the specifics of the attack and determine what could have been done to avoid this disastrous security breach. To do this, watch the media piece “A Distributed Denial of Service Attack on Advanced Topologies” in this unit’s Learning Resources. After viewing the DDoS media, review the security awareness program you developed for Advanced Topologies.

Post a 350- to 500-word evaluation of the attack. Include a description of how you would respond to and recover from problems in the wake of this unforeseen disaster. In addition, describe any improvement to your security awareness program that would help the staff be better prepared for such disasters in the future



Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2013a). A distributed denial of service attack on advanced topologies [Interactive media]. Baltimore, MD: Author. In this media piece,  you will examine the aftermath of a security attack on Advanced Topologies, Inc., and post an analysis of how well your Security Awareness Plan would have performed against such an attack.

Running Head: EVALUATING A SAP AFTER A DISASTER Evaluating a SAP after a DisasterName:Institution: 1 EVALUATING A SAP AFTER A DISASTER 2 The disastrous system security breach in Advanced...
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