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Events Plus Inc. is a company that organizes seminars. Each year, it holds some 120 seminars dealing with business management and public sector...

Events Plus Inc. is a company that organizes seminars. Each year, it holds some120 seminars dealing with business management and public sector management themes.In order to encourage early enrollments to its seminars, Events Plus offers 20percent discounts to participants who register for a class up to six weeks in advance of thedate of the seminar offering. Because this is an attractive discount, popular classesusually experience heavy levels of sign-ups before the six-week pre-seminar cut-offpoint. Less popular courses experience weaker levels of sign-ups.Table 1 shows data collected on 110 seminar offerings that were tracked byEvents Plus over the past year and a half. Looking at the data, Events Plus finds that in 22cases, enrollments were so strong at the six-week marker that they covered all anticipatedseminar costs. Typically, these classes resulted in decent profits, although in two casesthe class had to be cancelled owing to instructor illness. In 33 cases, enrollments werereasonably good at the six-week marker and covered 70-95 percent of the seminar costs.The seminars usually experience some profit, although on ten occasions classes could notbe held owing to insufficient enrollments. In 55 cases, enrollments were weak at the sixweekmarker, covering less than 70 percent of anticipated seminar costs. Often, theseclasses did not break even and in a number of cases resulted in substantial losses. On 22instances, they were cancelled owing to poor enrollments.Break even at six-week marker?

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